Tag Archives: Friendships

A Journey Through Time: High School Reunion, Disneyland, and Friendships (Part 2)

High school reunions celebrate the laughter and friendships that stand the test of time, turning a fun day into a beautiful reminder of our shared journey. Marcia💕 Attending my high school reunion was an unforgettable experience. I went into it with a mixture of excitement and nerves, unsure of what it would be like to see faces I hadn’t encountered in so many years. But as soon as I stepped into the room, those nerves melted away. The familiar faces, even if they had changed over the years, still carried the essence of the people I once knew so well. … Read the full blog post

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Southern California Bound: The Journey Begins!✈️ Reunion Trip (Part 1)🎓

As the year progressed, I occasionally caught updates about the reunion, but the thought of attending seemed exhausting. By the time summer was winding down, and the reunion in October drew closer, I was still hesitant to commit to the trip. My schedule had been so full that traveling felt overwhelming, and I was tempted to let the opportunity slip by. However, my husband, with his gentle reminders, kept nudging me toward the idea. Over the years, he had heard me speak fondly of my high school days and the special memories I have of growing up in the small … Read the full blog post

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A Cozy Valentine’s Tea- 💗Celebrating Love, and Delicate Delights

Hosting a valentine’s tea is more than pouring tea, it’s a gesture of love, warmth, and connection that fills hearts with sweetness beyond measure. 💕Marcia As Valentine’s Day approached this year, I found myself longing for a celebration that embodied the warmth and intimacy of the holiday. I yearned for a simple yet meaningful gathering where love, and delicate treats could take center stage. And so, I decided to host a Valentine’s Tea at my home…a cozy affair filled with beautiful china, fragrant teas, and homemade delights. The stage was set with my finest china, adorned with delicate flowers that … Read the full blog post

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A Christmas Tea 2017

    “If you find you have some time, how wonderful it would be, if we could have a little chat and share a cup of Christmas tea.” “A Cup Of Christmas Tea” Tom Hegg      Hello sweet friends. Please join me for an old fashioned holiday party… A Christmas Tea         I’ve been waiting a whole year to invite you!  Christmas Tea 2016     And made sure to schedule it so that my holiday decorations would be up.     For as long as I can remember during the first week of December over 20 … Read the full blog post

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Just Another Week in Paradise

“Take care to keep open house: Because in this way some have had angels as their guests, without being conscious of it” ~Hebrews 13:2 I’ve been meaning to share with you a chair that I saw a few weeks ago. It seems as if I’m often finding chairs that call out to me. This particular one came home with me that day. Oh and since we are becoming such good friends I also thought I’d  share a little quirky thing I do quite often  Periodically I go on the outside and pretend that I’m a visitor. I walk, look around and imagine that … Read the full blog post

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A GAL~entine Tea Party

  Hi! Today I’d like to share with you a Tea party I hosted earlier this week. I called it a GAL~entine Tea Party get cozy…this post might take a while❤ I’ve now been living on the Oregon coast for one year, seven months, 14 days, hundreds of minutes, & thousands of seconds not that I’m keeping track  With that said I can say I am definitely becoming more comfortable with this new lifestyle. So recently I decided to throw a GAL~entine tea party on Valentine’s Day. I wanted to bring a few of my new friends together for an afternoon of good food … Read the full blog post

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AdVeNt, GiRlFrIeNdS, aNd CaNdYcAnEs….♡

 Below is a re~edited post from my last Christmas while I still lived in California before the big move I wanted to share it with you. My blog stats show many of you are new readers. This post is one of my favorites because it talks about everything I’m passionate about Home, Friendships, & Love. Happy Monday, and first week of Advent! (grin)  As the calendar year draws to a close, family schedules, programs, PaRtIeS, and “other” obligations for this time of year are in full motion… My week was filled with a combination of EvErYtHing…. An afternoon was spent putting … Read the full blog post

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You’ve got a friend in me…♡

Hi! More and more friends have mentioned that they enjoy when I re~post a story, because they often hadn’t seen it before. I’m not surprised since when I first began blogging  as “Marcia’s Cottage” I used a”free” Google+ hosting site, and there were limitations. Then I transitioned to “Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea” using WordPress, & my own  site.  I basically started all over again with building up readership. Bla…bla…blaaa… (grin) So anyway it’s really fun for me to re~share a story. Especially great ones. And, of course great ones are always any of those about friendships which have been … Read the full blog post

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Gals Gone Wild!

Howdy partner! How was your first week of April? Here on the coast March was wet and wild. Yes mam….wild! As in ride~em cowgirl! And trust me I did! The wind blew in one direction, while the rain went in another. And this former So. Cal Gal was fantasizing about those swaying palm trees in Palm Springs. April arrived and  I was so ready for the outdoors. Joe had recently surprised me with two passes to go horseback riding. Yes, you read this correctly..TWO! Woo! Hoo! So I grabbed my gal friend JR and said “Let’s Go!  Btw…every gal needs a gal friend … Read the full blog post

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The Art of Friendship

  Since moving to the coast I’ve made a few friends. We’ve exchanged having tea at one another’s home. These new friends have helped me in my adjustment. It’s almost a definition of friendship. Friends help friends. It’s so nice to have a friend when you need a listening ear,  or loving hand. To have a friend,  we must be a friend. Someone’s waiting for you to invite them over for a special tea visit today. Keep it simple.  Pick up a ready made scone mix, heat some water and call a friend over for tea!  

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