Monthly Archives: August 2015

Pitter patter of rain

There’s nothing like the sound of rain on an early morning. Pitter, patter, pitter pattering gently away.

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Beauty in the fury of nature

  Welcome to the Oregon coast!

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Saturday at sea

I was so excited today, because it was my first “storm” watch here on the coast!

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In Pursuit of the Good Life

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡ I’m hoping you had a great week. How’s the weather been where you live? I can still remember the very warm summers in California, and gosh.. I have to tell you that I am so grateful our home sold when it did. Just in time to escape from the heat. Moving to the Pacific Northwest, from Southern California has changed me. I’m no longer a hot gal (ha! ha!) I am  a cool one. (giggle) … Read the full blog post

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let’s play!

The warm days of summer invite me to jump into the ocean blue! Come on!  

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Coastal wear

Living on the Oregon coast is exciting. The weather can change quite a bit from early morning with mist, fog, then sunshine…to an afternoon with mild/strong winds. You never know what to expect. Well, except you can always expect to see the unexpected beauty of nature. Dressing is fun, and of course I keep it simple.  

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coastal exercising

It’s quite easy to exercise when you are surrounded by the wind, surf, and beauty of nature. So, what are you waiting for….get your tennis on, and come along and join me!

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Let’s go to Florence!

Florence is a charming little city located on the Oregon Coast. A wonderful way to spend the day.

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The Coquille Lighthouse

Join me for my morning walk to view the lighthouse.

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The Coquille Point

Welcome to Couqille Point. A part of Oregon islands wildlife refuge. The coastal rock you see are part of a larger chain of islands which line the Oregon coast.  

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