Howdy partner! How was your first week of April? Here on the coast March was wet and wild.
Yes mam….wild! As in ride~em cowgirl! And trust me I did! The wind blew in one direction, while the rain went in another. And this former So. Cal Gal was fantasizing about those swaying palm trees in Palm Springs. April arrived and I was so ready for the outdoors.
Joe had recently surprised me with two passes to go horseback riding. Yes, you read this correctly..TWO! Woo! Hoo!
So I grabbed my gal friend JR and said “Let’s Go!
Btw...every gal needs a gal friend that she can say “let’s go!” and they reply “Par~taay!”
If you don’t have such a friend no worries because you can giddy up and come with me, well actually us. Today you gidd to be part of this fun posse ride!
This is Cherokee
Ain’t she pur~ty…she wants to have fun too.
Thank goodness she ain’t wild…
Hmmmmm….I sure hope these horses know where they are going. Do ya think they want to go swimming or something?
Not unlike the wind these new coastal gals might be a little fun and wild ..but we sure ain’t crazy!
Any plans for the weekend? Awe. ..go ahead and do something fun. Maybe even go a little wild.
Happy Trails!
See ya!

You cowgirls sure look like you’re having fun!
Hi Joe! We sure did! Thank you!
Thank you so very much for sharing your gift with me. So much fun. When is our next par~taay? Oh that’s right it’s today. Lets go! Nursery here we come. Your fellow cowgirl. JR
Hi JR! Thanks for being my fun wonderful
friend and best cowgal riding partner…paar~tay!