Monthly Archives: October 2017

A Witches Tea & My California Girlfriends🎃

  “True friends are never apart…maybe in distance…but never in heart”   Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. I wasn’t planning on dropping by today.🎃 I shared in last weeks post Click here   🍁🍂That I’m currently flying around on a little Fall Holiday.🍁🍂     However…(I do l.o.v.e my California girlfriends) and soooooo…   When I received a note from a former colleague & long time dear friend from California (see note below) I just had to put my broomstick down & share … Read the full blog post

Posted in Garden/Tea Time | 4 Comments

Halloween Sweet Treats

“It’s impossible” said pride. “It’s risky,” said experience. “It’s pointless,” said reason. “Give it a try,” whispered the HEART.” ~Unknown 🎃Hello Everyone!🎃 I hope you had a wonderful week. Between working on this weeks post, gardening, and lunch with my good friend (who will be cat sitting for me)…  I am finally all packed and ready for a special Fall Holiday🍁🍂 Which I promise to share with you. When I return🎃 However… and until then… I’m so excited to share with you what I’ve been cooking this past week in my sweet cottage kitchen.☕️ 🎃 I’m thinking you are really going to enjoy it!🎃 🎃Since it’s all … Read the full blog post

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Just A Note

  “Follow your soul it knows the way” Hello! what’s new? Well…pull up a chair.   It’s Autumn, and there’s magic in the air. Trees are ablaze     sunlight glitters like golden coins.        I sometimes hear cheers from the local high school football stadium and school playing fields.   Children (and adults😉) anticipating Halloween with their creative ways of wearing costumes and the fun transformation come Halloween night.🎃     Here on the coast it often begins raining right about Halloween time and the tantalizing scent of wood smoke, pumpkin spice, apple crisp is a wonderful … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living | 4 Comments

The BBL’s

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. I think I’ve shared about the Brown Bag Ladies before. perhaps not… On the third Wednesday of each month a group of ladies meet for lunch at a friend’s home out in the woods.  It’s so much fun to get together have a little lunch that we bring in a brown bag hence the name Brown Bag Ladies. Dessert is provided by the wonderful hostess along with drinks… and always the most beautiful Seasonal decor. A super … Read the full blog post

Posted in Garden/Tea Time | 2 Comments

Cranberry Orange Scones

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡ It’s a beautiful morning on the Oregon coast. A little cloudy and misty…perfect for scone baking. Here is an easy yummy recipe for you!   Cranberry 🍊 Orange Scones Makes 8 large scones 2 cups flour 1/3 cup sugar & and extra Tbsp for sprinkles 1 t baking powder 1/4 baking soda 1/2 salt 1 stick butter (cold) 3/4 cup dried cranberries zest of 1 orange 1/2 cup milk 1 large egg Preheat oven … Read the full blog post

Posted in Garden/Tea Time | 1 Comment

Anniversary Of The Heart

  “Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories. ~Anonymous   Joe and I got married on October 11, 2003.  We are celebrating 14 years this week. Our wedding was at the Mission Inn Riverside, California. There were 112 guests in attendance. It was a wonderful day.   I’ve been thinking about how quickly those years have traveled by.  Of course I’ve also been thinking about how fortunate I have been. Gratitude.  After an Italian honeymoon we returned to California where Joe & I purchased our first … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living | 8 Comments

Eat, Paint, Garden

  “Just living is not enough” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”~Hans Christian Anderson Welcome Hello my friend how are you? I hope today finds you well. 🍁Fall often gets me in the mood for cleaning things out.🍁 🍁it’s a change of season thing🍁 You know those cupboards that might need re-organizing… making room for delicious holiday baking. or… closets that out of nowhere have become bulging and full. of the un-used/unwanted This happens quite easily for me since I live in a small cottage with even smaller closets. (which trust me is a good thing)😉 … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living | 2 Comments