“We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives. ..not looking for flaws, but for potential.” ~Ellen Goodman
I had posted this as a goal for 2016. If 2016 has taught me anything it has been to enjoy the process & not so much on the end result.
As I reflect back on the last 12 months ( I started by reading this post) A peek at 2015 I realize that 2015 was mainly about adjusting to a decision to move to the Oregon coast.
Looking back I can see that 2016 has been learning how to experience a deeper sense of connection to my choices in life.
Trying new things, looking past boundaries and most inportantly enbracing change.
Nothing symbolizes this more than the effort I have made in creating a new home.
Each month I would tackle a project.
Sometimes what I decided to tackle didn’t quite go the way I had planned.
Other times I realized that I needed to be open and allow others to help me.
I was humbled more than once to see things from a different perspective
and accept that not everything gets done in the manner of which I had hoped. perfectly.
Taking an inventory of the past year, I’m pleased with my accomplishments.
Each month I took pleasure in meeting the challenges that came up, and have done the best I could with embracing any obstacles along the way.
I now have a deeper investment to the future. emotionally, & spiritually
I look back over the past year with a quiet satisfaction, and look forward to the coming year with excitement.
Wishing you all the blessings of 2017

What a beautiful life you’ve created, exemplified by your cottage! I enjoy your blog, Marcia. You and your little family have dropped anchor in a charming place and are deservedly enjoying the fruits of your labors. Happy New Year!
Hi Maureen! I am so happy to see you here today. Thank you for leaving the nicest, sweetest comment. It warmed my heart, and made my day! I hope you drop by again for a visit. I wish you a wonderful 2017.
Oh,my! You have outdone yourself, Ms. Ren.
One of your finest posts.
Wishing wonderful things in 2017!
Hi Joe! Thank you! That is so kind of you. Blessings for the New Year 2017!
Awesome reflection!
Thanks Jenny! Happy New Year!