Tag Archives: Summer

Creating a Patriotic Coffee Bar for the Summer Months💗🫖🧢

Enhance each season with a touch of decor; in summer, let vibrant colors and breezy elements breathe life into your space… -Marcia 💗 One of my favorite projects this summer has been setting up a patriotic-themed coffee bar for July. I take pride in making a conscious effort not to constantly buy new decorations. That’s not to say that I never do, but I always start by editing what I have, checking to see what I can use and reuse. Amazingly, I can create fun and welcoming areas in my home using items I already possess, often moving things around … Read the full blog post

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Transitioning A Bedroom Into A Seasonal Closet: My Year-Round Closet Makeover on the Oregon Coast👚

Embrace the joy of each season by curating a closet that evolves with the weather… There’s a unique thrill in rediscovering, forgotten favorites and finding new ways to express your style… Marcia A year ago, I embarked on an exciting home improvement project that has not only revolutionized my storage options but also injected a bit of seasonal flair into my living space. I transformed a small, underused bedroom into my main closet and have been honing its seasonal functionality ever since. As we strive to keep our spaces fresh and suited to our needs, changing seasons provide the perfect … Read the full blog post

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To The Farmers Market We Go!

’’The day you decide to do it is your lucky day.”-Japanese proverb Hello! What are you doing this weekend?     Warmer weather, sunny days, fresh fruit and vegetables…     the summer is here and so is the farmers market.     I enjoy perusing a couple of farmers markets here on the coast. One is located in Coos Bay which is about a 30 minute drive.         The other is held in my beautiful coastal town of Bandon.     Whether it’s a favorite vendor…     or a culinary adventure…     there’s always something … Read the full blog post

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It’s June Again

    Yikes! It’s swimsuit season again. What happened? I meant to be thinner by this time! Whoops….I forgot. I must be getting older. My memory keeps playing games with me. I think I meant to spend March, April, and May working out at a gym. Wait a second… I don’t belong to a gym. Or had I wanted to eat more alfalfa, and raw carrots? Hmmmm….but I don’t eat that stuff either. Thankfully! Living on the coast has somehow helped me forget that ice cream, pizza, and chili rellenos are not weight-reducing items. I love coastal living!  forgot that sitting … Read the full blog post

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