”Feed your joyful, selfless heart. Feed your soul to grow. Feed with books, music, painting or arts. Feed with your special favorite passion you joyfully share near or far apart.” ~ Angelica Hopes
Author of Rhythm of a Heart, Music of a Soul
Well here I am with Toto (aka…Cami) heading into the last four performances (as Cami’s stage mom) in The Wizard of Oz. (Becausebecausebecauseofthewonderfulfulthingsshedoes)I have been all consumed by this project. Thank goodness for a minor distraction of a little solar eclipse this past week (grin) Moonshadow
In an earlier post There’s no place like home I shared that a primary motivation in this project was my desire to get a little more rooted here on the Oregon coast. my new home And like many choices we make in life sometimes we learn things about ourselves and perhaps even humbled along the way.
Such was the case with my recent venture with community theatre where I live. I learned a great deal of what is involved in a small theatre which includes meeting people that had a wonderful vested interest in building and sustaining community theater. It takes a village.
As a former teacher this was a very positive experience for me because having spent 30 years in the classroom I had seen many budget cuts in Art Education programs.
And I was reminded what an impact these programs have on the creative part of our lives as well as intellectual development. They are a refuge to all of us who are different from others and for a variety of reasons shy away from other activities. (i.e. sports)
I learned that many of the participants in community theatre really never desired to have a career in theatre and are happy as stay at home moms, local business owners, pastors, teachers, mechanics, artists, fishermen or perhaps even a furry child.🐳
The fact is community theatre for many is a hobby, a need, a passion and an outlet for people who truly love the theatre. Its the bowling league, the weekly pick up basketball game the book group for the performance minded.
I’m more appreciative of all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes, and willing to bet that the ticket buyers at local theatre are no doubt parents who have encouraged creativity in their own children. I’ve learned that in some cases the community theatre experience may provide the only theatre community they get.
And… I have learned….
they are people we need.💕
No doubt it will be bittersweet as the play comes to an end. I wont be surprised if I suffer a few withdrawals after this final week.
What a fabulous time I’ve had being a stage mom for Cami with perks that came with it (After each Sunday matinee my husband always treated me to a wonderful dinner at one of my favorite places.) However in the last 2 months there have also been several leftovers made for a quick meal.
Let me share one with you which uses leftover salmon, tomato, avocado, and even french fries!
Left over salmon ( I used about 1 1/2 cups )
soft corn tortillas
1 tomatoes cut and diced into small pieces
1 avocado
left over french fries diced
1 tablespoon olive oil
Heat oil and then warm up salmon. Set aside. Add French fries & warm. (You can also microwave…I enjoy using a pan) set aside. In same pan warm tortilla & then layer salmon, fries, tomatoes, avocado.
Fold tortilla in half like taco. The best part of this recipe is you can use whatever leftovers you have at hand. The day before I had prepared salmon burgers with fries and avocado dip. Sooooooo….this is what I used! It is easy & of course yummy!
And before you go..of course I must take you on a walk on the beautiful Oregon coast.

I hope you and “Toto” had a fun experience and thank you for sharing it!
Wow, your leftovers look (and tasted) scrumptious!!