We CaN”t HaVe EvErYThINg…♡

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend.  Shall we have a little tea.

Happy Soulful Sunday.  I don’t know where that came from….♡ Oh, wait a sec…. yes,  I do. … my soul has been stirring.

Soulful occurrences are common occurences for me. Especially, while I’m in the middle of closet overthrow. (Giggle, giggle) Which, perhaps explains why I avoided this activity for as long as possible. (Grin) btw. .. I’m wondering. .. Have you ever wanted something so badly you thought you would die,  if you didn’t have it.  pretty badly, experienced a little disappointed in not getting it….and then, got down on your knees, kissed the earth in gratitude for not getting it perhaps later relieved? Just Curious. Gentle reader, I’ve my own lessons from such humble experiences.

A few years ago, during one of my antiquing sojourns, I came across some vintage books. At the time I purchased them,  I thought they’d make a attractive vignette in our little music room.

 I must confess that there were never any plans for actually reading them.

 One, of the stories was written by Rupert Hughes ( don’t you just love that name)
 and entitled “We Can’t Have Everything”. Pouty face. (Just kidding)

The story is a comedy of errors kind of story, about two people who have never met… and the trials, that had kept them apart were but incidents in a struggle toward each other.

Well,  actually. .. It might be considered a drama. But,  for some reason, I found it r~e~a~l~l~y entertaining. Hmmm... I wonder what that says about my sense of humor. Oh,  well. …

I’m sure I found the story comical,  because I saw so much of myself in the characters. Their search for  meaning, and happiness in their lives, is at times an illusion. Oh boy. ..How I do know that feeling. Being that I’m still cleaning out a closet of delusional stuff. Stuff, that I “thought” I wanted.

Well, like I mentioned I’m having a Happy, Soulful, Sunday sweet friend.  And,  now I think I’ll go outside… Lay my head on to the earth and shout out a BIG “thank you!”

Each day is gift to me. I’m learning to respect the good, the beauty, and even the pain.
 I  have not always received what I thought I wanted. But, there’s absolutely not any doubt, I most certainly have received EvErYThInG I could possibly ever need. ♡

Oh, and here’s  little peek at the week ahead.
I hope yours is everything you want  need.

                                            Xoxo. ..


Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever. ~Isak Dinesen

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