Reflecting on the Journey: A March Milestone

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. -Martin Buber As the second week of March, unfolds, it beckons me to pause, reflect, and delve into the depths of my own journey thus far in 2024. This year Lent offers a poignant backdrop for introspection, inviting me to examine my path, both personal and professional. For me, this period holds a significance, marked by several milestones that intertwine to shape my narrative. It’s a time of contemplation, a time to celebrate the journey, and a time to embrace the transformative power of hope. Just a few months … Read the full blog post

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Welcoming the Early Arrival of Spring with a Festive Coffee Bar☕️

“Ultimately our gift to the world around us is hope…hope that comes not from going around suffering but from going through it” -Rob Bell As we embrace the beginning of March, I couldn’t resist the urge to infuse a touch of green into my coffee bar, heralding the early arrival of spring. With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, it felt like the perfect opportunity to blend the festive spirit with the anticipation of warmer days ahead. So, I set out to transform my coffee bar into a cozy yet celebratory space, and I’m excited to share the journey … Read the full blog post

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Exploring Oregon’s Hidden Tea Gems: A Journey to Teapot on Wheels

Tea is more than just a beverage; it’s a warm embrace, a moment of tranquility, and a journey to savor with every sip…💗 Living on the remote Oregon coast has its charms, but it often means embarking on long journeys to discover new tea houses. However, nestled in the quaint town of Gold Hill, Oregon, lies a hidden gem that recently captured my heart. Teapot on Wheels. Despite its distance…a two in a half hour drive each way…my husband and I decided to make the trek, turning it into a delightful Valentine’s treat. The anticipation of exploring a new tea … Read the full blog post

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A Cozy Valentine’s Tea- 💗Celebrating Love, and Delicate Delights

Hosting a valentine’s tea is more than pouring tea, it’s a gesture of love, warmth, and connection that fills hearts with sweetness beyond measure. 💕Marcia As Valentine’s Day approached this year, I found myself longing for a celebration that embodied the warmth and intimacy of the holiday. I yearned for a simple yet meaningful gathering where love, and delicate treats could take center stage. And so, I decided to host a Valentine’s Tea at my home…a cozy affair filled with beautiful china, fragrant teas, and homemade delights. The stage was set with my finest china, adorned with delicate flowers that … Read the full blog post

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Sipping Tea Across the Coasts: Valentine Celebrations in California and the Oregon Coast

No matter the compass points of your home, the universal language of tea welcomes all, inviting warmth, connection, and hospitality from east to west, north to south.💗 Photo taken in my California home while I was preparing for one of my tea parties. 2013 Embarking on a journey from sunny California to the misty Oregon coast, my Valentine tea parties have been a delightful adventure filled with cupcakes, charming themes, and the warm embrace of friendship. Join me as I share the unique experiences of hosting these gatherings in two distinct locations. California Soiree: In the sun-drenched ambiance of California, … Read the full blog post

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Crafting a Cozy February: Elevating My Coffee Bar with Love💕

Love brews in every cup, as the warmth of coffee and the sweetness of togetherness blend in a special Valentine’s Day coffee bar…where every sip is a celebration of love. – Marcia Embrace the season of love by transforming your everyday coffee bar into a delightful Valentine’s Day haven. In this post, I’ll walk you through how I curated a charming February coffee bar using existing items, hearfelt touches, and a dash of creativity. Celebrate love from the first sip with a selection of coffee mugs adorned with whimsical hearts. I utilized a few of my favorite mugs, each telling … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, Garden/Tea Time | Tagged | 4 Comments

From Functional Closet to Boutique Dream: My Seasonal Revamp Part 2

I’m going to make everything around me beautiful…that will be my life. ~Elsie De Wolfe A little over a year ago, I made the decision to transform a small, underutilized bedroom into something more personal and functional: a dedicated closet for my clothing collection. It was a choice that brought not only order but also a spark of joy to my daily routine. Yet, as we all do with spaces we love, I continued to dream of ways to enhance it. Recently, amidst a typical decluttering session, a wave of inspiration struck. Why not merge the functionality of this space … Read the full blog post

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Revamping Chaos: The Closet-to Boutique Makeover Journey (Part 1)

In the canvas of life, the brush strokes of creativity ignite the transformative magic… 💗 Marcia Transforming a space within your home can often lead to a surprising journey of rediscovery and creativity. This is the story of how an overlooked bedroom-turned-closet began its metamorphosis into a charming and inviting boutique-like space. Join me as I navigate through the initial stages of clutter-clearing and the spark of an idea that would turn a mundane space into a delightful retreat. Starting with a Blank Slate The decision to convert a bedroom into a closet had been a practical one at first. … Read the full blog post

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Embracing Coziness: A Winter Home Refresh and Comforting Soup Recipe👩‍🍳

In the winter’s embrace, the cozy nest of home becomes a sanctuary, warmed not just by blankets but by the comforting aroma of winter feasts, turning each meal into a celebration of comfort and joy… 💕Marcia As the holiday season winds down, there’s a unique joy in putting away the festive decor, clearing spaces, and embracing the promise of a new year. Living in a region where winter brings colder temperatures and rain, I find solace in creating a warm and inviting home during this time. Each room becomes a sanctuary, and I relish the opportunity to nestle into the … Read the full blog post

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✨Reflecting on New Year Goals Through Home Undecoration🥰

As the calendar turns, let the new year be a threshold to open the doors of home to hope, love, and endless possibilities. – Marcia As we step into the new year, I decided to take you along on a heartfelt journey of clearing out and winterizing my home after the festive season. Each room became a space for reflection, offering me the opportunity to contemplate my goals for the year ahead. Living Room Undecorating the living room was a poignant experience. As I carefully removed ornaments from the tree, it became a soulful experience, reflecting on the memories they … Read the full blog post

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