A Delicious Discovery: Spicy Mediterranean Pasta with Impossible Burger🍔

When simple pantry staples come together, magic happens in the kitchen… Marcia 💗 Sometimes, inspiration strikes in the simplest ways. The other day, I found myself staring at ingredients from my pantry: pasta, black olives, stewed tomatoes, a can of chili beans and a package of impossible burger meat. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them so I turned to Google for some guidance I typed in “what to make with these five ingredients, pasta, olives, diced tomatoes, chili beans, and impossible plant based meat,” hoping for a spark of culinary creativity. What I found turned out to … Read the full blog post

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A Day of Self-Care and Discovery

Taking a self-care day to spend time doing what you love is not just a luxury…it’s a vital investment in your well-being & a chance to reconnect with yourself. Marcia💗 There’s something magical about having a day all to myself, a day to explore, indulge, and simply be. My little adventure, which I fondly call my self-care day, recently started with a visit to a new coffee shop I’d heard about. I’d driven by this place countless times but never stopped. This time, I decided to give it a try. The café’s aromatic allure drew me in, and I chose … Read the full blog post

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My Energizing Morning Routine: A day in the Life on the Oregon Coast

Hello, dear readers! I often get questions about how I start my day, so I thought it would be fun to share my morning routine with you. Living along the beautiful Oregon coast, I’ve found a routine that helps me feel energized, focused, and ready to tackle the day. However, my routine can vary depending on the season, especially during midsummer when I have rehearsals and performances at the local theater. Here’s a glimpse into how my mornings unfold during this busy season. 6:00 – 6:30 AM: Wake Up and Coffee I usually wake up naturally between 6:00 and 6:30 … Read the full blog post

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A Delightful Summer Treat: Strawberry Pretzel Dessert🍮

Baking is the delightful pleasure of transforming simple ingredients into a symphony of flavors, a soothing rhythm that brings warmth and joy to the heart and home… Hello everyone! This week, I wanted to share a delightful summer recipe that I recently tried, thanks to a friend I met at my P.E.O. meeting. This treat turned out to be so delicious that I had to make it myself. It’s an old recipe that’s been enjoyed for years, and you might have tried it before. However, it was new to me, and I absolutely loved it. Aside from diving into this … Read the full blog post

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Anastasia’s Great Escape

The humor of owning a cat is perfectly encapsulated when they vanish for hours, leaving you to worry and search, only to have them reappear out of nowhere with a look that says, “what I was here the whole time.” In the early months of the 2020 pandemic lockdown, Anastasia entered our lives. She’s a stunning Siamese snowshoe cat who’s been an indoor-only kitty for the four years since she joined our family. On August 1st, we’ll be celebrating her fourth year with us. I adopted Anastasia from a shelter when she was just an eight-week-old kitten. She had been … Read the full blog post

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A Week of Quiet Joys🌷

Each day holds simple pleasures…a bloom in the garden, a shared meal, a moment of laughter…that remind us of the quiet joys that make life truly beautiful.💗 – Marcia This week has been one of those weeks that quietly filled me with gratitude and warmth. Simple pleasures and cherished moments took center stage, and I found myself basking in the joy of community and nature. One of the highlights was our PEO chapter’s initiation of a new member. We gathered for a potluck social, and it was heartwarming to share delicious food and laughter with such wonderful friends while welcoming … Read the full blog post

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Summer Garden Update on the Oregon Coast

In the warmth of summer, a garden blooms with a vibrant symphony of colors and fragrances, offering a serene escape and a reminder of nature’s timeless beauty. -Marcia The summer on the Oregon coast is the most beautiful place to be. The weather is warmer yet not oppressive, and just between you and me, there is no place more beautiful than this area during the summer months. I absolutely refuse to leave this time of year. Let me share my garden update. Spring to Summer Transition As spring ended, the bluebells and various lilies, like the Calle lilies, completed their … Read the full blog post

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🎁Christmas in July🌟

“It’s summer and I’m already in the Christmas spirit” -Holiday Love Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are doing well… I’ve been incredibly busy this summer, taking part in a local theater production that has been an absolute blast. Because of this, I’m taking the opportunity to share some of my favorite past posts with you. This one, in particular, is close to my heart because it’s all about one of my favorite activities: hosting a Christmas in July party! I think it’s great that Christmas doesn’t have to come only once a year… especially if you are anything like … Read the full blog post

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Crafting the Perfect Summer Wardrobe: Versatile Outfits Featuring White Pants and More

Discover the perfect summer wardrobe at home…versatile, comfortable, and stylish outfits that make every local adventure feel special. -Marcia As the sun claims its dominion in the sky, refreshing your wardrobe for the warm days becomes a delightful task. Following the transformation of my closet into a seasonal sanctuary, let’s dive into creating visually stunning and comfortable summer outfits. Incorporating essentials like white pants, summer tops, and flowy skirts, here is how you can blend functionality with style to generate an aesthetically pleasing and varied summer wardrobe. White Pants: A Canvas for Creativity White pants aren’t just a piece of … Read the full blog post

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Creating a Patriotic Coffee Bar for the Summer Months💗🫖🧢

Enhance each season with a touch of decor; in summer, let vibrant colors and breezy elements breathe life into your space… -Marcia 💗 One of my favorite projects this summer has been setting up a patriotic-themed coffee bar for July. I take pride in making a conscious effort not to constantly buy new decorations. That’s not to say that I never do, but I always start by editing what I have, checking to see what I can use and reuse. Amazingly, I can create fun and welcoming areas in my home using items I already possess, often moving things around … Read the full blog post

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