Tag Archives: simple pleasures

A Week of Quiet Joys🌷

Each day holds simple pleasures…a bloom in the garden, a shared meal, a moment of laughter…that remind us of the quiet joys that make life truly beautiful.💗 – Marcia This week has been one of those weeks that quietly filled me with gratitude and warmth. Simple pleasures and cherished moments took center stage, and I found myself basking in the joy of community and nature. One of the highlights was our PEO chapter’s initiation of a new member. We gathered for a potluck social, and it was heartwarming to share delicious food and laughter with such wonderful friends while welcoming … Read the full blog post

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Finding Joy in the Simple Moments

It’s e extraordinary how extraordinary the ordinary day is… This past week might seem uneventful at first glance, but upon reflection, it was filled with moments of pure joy and contentment. As I practiced the piano diligently for an upcoming summer production at our local community theater, I found solace in the melodies and the anticipation of sharing my music with others, it’s amazing how immersing oneself in creative pursuits can bring such fulfillment. With my husband out of town for a few days, I took the opportunity to treat myself to meals out and leisurely shopping trips. There’s something … Read the full blog post

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My First “Cranberry” Festival

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡ I hope you have a little extra time today. Because, I have a feeling this might be an extra long post…it’s Friday, and I’m in a chatty mood! Guess what? This is the last full week of summer. Wow! Please, someone tell me where the time went. It totally is disappearing! I had a fabulous summer. Hope you did too. Not that there weren’t challenges…of course there were…and of course,  the challenges were what made … Read the full blog post

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