Category Archives: My Style

Organizing My Closet For Spring🌸👚🧢

“Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris Hello, sweet friends… Springtime is a wonderful season along the Oregon coast, with the arrival of warmer weather and blooming flowers. At the same time organizing my closet for spring in the Pacific Northwest can be a little bit tricky as the weather can be unpredictable and tends to be rainy and mild. However, with some careful planning and a few tricks this past week I created a functional and stylish closet that will work well for the season. … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, Our Cottage | 2 Comments

🌸The Coming of May/ a DIY👑

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” -Diane Mariechild Hello, sweet friends… I hope you are well… At a recent luncheon surrounded by successful women who are making significant contributions to their community… I listened to their stories and insights, and became acutely aware of the important roles that women play in our lives. From mothers and caretakers to entrepreneurs and community leaders, women are an essential part of our world. Reflecting on this experience, I realized that May Day and Mother’s Day, two upcoming holidays, provide a perfect opportunity to … Read the full blog post

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💘Happy Valentines Day💘

Let all that you do be done with Love -1 Corinthians 16:14 Hello, sweet friends… I hope you are doing well… and that you have been enjoying February…the month of love I enjoy discovering small ways to help experience the joy of each month… I love me some good seasonal living… so for February it’s all about celebrating those we love… taking time to love ourselves a little bit… and of course savoring each special moment along the way… What’s Cooking Today’s dinner plans aren’t definite yet…however for dessert I will be baking up this simple yet scrumptious, chewy, and … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, What’s Cooking? | 1 Comment


A sweet friendship refreshes the soul -Proverbs 27-9 Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are well… There are many ways to experience the delights of an afternoon tea… Valentines day seems to be a perfect prompt… Lucky for me to have been invited recently for a very special Valentine’s Day tea… when I first arrived I noticed a colorful tablescape assembled with beautiful doilies… heart shape chocolates…a variety of tea sandwiches…cherries…and lovely teapots ready to be served… as we sat down our hostess pointed out the valentine paper links which had been carefully arranged on the side of each place … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style | 4 Comments


“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough”-Albert Einstein Hello, sweet friends… I hope you are doing well… Where did the time gone? Just yesterday it seems I was counting down to the New Year… swish went January and just like that February has arrived… While this month is associated primarily with Valentine’s Day, the journey of love…doesn’t stop there… It’s the month where the ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ movement is held… (encouraging us to do something for other people, randomly) It’s also ‘International Friendship’ month… and since it’s the month of Valentine’s Day…which is btw one of … Read the full blog post

Posted in My Style, Our Cottage | 8 Comments

Bunco…Cupcakes…& New Beginnings

“Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it…every, every minute? -Thorton Wilder Hello, sweet friends… With January quickly coming to an end… I’ve decided that this will be the year for me to try new things…saying yes more often… opening myself up to life & it’s many experiences… Whether it is a new style of sofa, haircut, food, hobby, or trying my hand at volunteering… experimenting with simple tasks… or perhaps even daring and challenging ones could be fun…pushing myself out of my comfort zone (just a little) It’s exciting to imagine all the possibilities which no … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, What’s Cooking? | 2 Comments

What I Got For Christmas…(big smile)

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris Hello, sweet friends… I hope your January is going well… Before January is over I thought I would share with you what I got for Christmas.. since it only recently arrived. Looking back it is possible that my husband might have been a little surprised by my reply that early December afternoon after inquiring about any ideas for a gift… “I would really like a velvet Chesterfield tufted nailhead sofa for the living room” I had said. There are a … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, Our Cottage | 6 Comments

January, Rest & Reset With Me…

“I’m an idealist. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.” -Carl Sandburg Hello, sweet friends… Happy New Year… How has it been for you? This time of year is a bit confusing for many myself included. I find the mountain of motivation and ‘best life talk” at the start of the year to be quite overwhelming. I often feel bombarded with messages on “how to go forth” when actually I think what is most beneficial is to just turn in a bit…to explore my feelings and allow myself to feel gratitude for all I already have. … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, Our Cottage, What’s Cooking? | 2 Comments

2022…A Look Back…

”To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Hello, sweet friends… I hope you are well… I’m not really sure how we are already once again closing out the year, but here we are. Along with a few “bumps” in the road… 2022 also brought many beautiful moments. In whatever ways you are marking this holiday season and end of the year… My hope is that you & yours are healthy & well. Wishing you the best for the coming … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, Our Cottage | 2 Comments

🎄The Season of Joy & A Cottage Christmas Tea🎄

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete” – Jack Kornfield Hello, sweet friends… I hope that you are doing well… This week I’ve been concentrating on holiday fun… preparing for a Christmas Tea ( I love setting the table & making guests feel celebrated)… attending a Christmas party luncheon… and heading out of town with my husband for a little weekend holiday getaway to watch a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet… the holidays are a special time…creating gifts… decorating our homes… visiting with friends… and, in general feeling a sense of community.

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