Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. .♡
Just felt like stopping by for a little chat, before I head out on my ride this morning. Do you have a bike? Wanna go on a ride with me? Awwww….that would be so much fun!
Well, I’ve been wondering what sort of things InSpIrE you my friend? I suppose another way to say it.. is what is your PaSsIoN? I suppose you could say I followed my PaSsIoN, and started my “Marcia’s Cottage” blog. I’m glad I did too, because it led me to YOU! I LOVE blogging. For now it is definitely my PaSsIoN.♡♡♡
What inspires me in life, is SUCCESS against All odds… The unexpectant hero. …♡ Like this little birdie.♡He flits around our Cottage, and brings so much BeAuTy, JoY, and SpIrIt into my life. I love to watch him from our front parlor. ♡
Oh no, it just flew away. ..♡ Perhaps he noticed my peeking out.♡
Okay, now I see what the problem is….♡
There’s Darjeeling. … She is ReLeNtLeSs. It’s funny, because she InSpIrEs me too. She is so FoCuSeD, DeTeRmInEd, PaTiEnT, and never gives up. I learn so much from her. She and I spend lots of time in the GaRdEn.♡
Awwww….look at that charming climbing rose….♡
Shall we go outside, and take a better look.
I adore climbing roses. … Now they are ReAlLy my heroes. ..They have BeAuTy, StRenGtH, and yet are so DeLiCaTe in their SpIrIt.♡
And talk about relentless. .. They just keep pushing on…♡FoCuSeD, DeTeRmInED, and PaTiEnT.♡
It’s all about the climb for these beautiful InSpIrInG blooms. .♡
And yet, have you ever noticed. .. its always an uphill battle for them. ..♡ Now that’s InSpIrAtIoNaL.♡
I wonder who their personal coach is. …♡or what inspires them?
Do they climb, just for the experience in itself. …
Just the experience. Wow…♡
I’m so amazed to watch my roses get cut down, then GrOw, and BlOoM again. ….♡
I guess that’s what climbers do. ♡They never give up. Oh, BTW… you haven’t told me yet, what inspires you my friend. …♡
Well, what do you know… look who just returned. ..♡ I’m happy he isn’t going to let a little cat keep him from getting what he wants either….♡
Thanks for riding with me. We’ll have to do it again sometime. Hope your day is safe, and filed wit beauty.
Xoxo. …