Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
A few of my friends are in the midst of life changes. Deep in my heart I know everything will work out one way or another for them. Our conversations have reminded me the importance of doing those things we can, surrendering then trusting that things work out the way they will.
Re-edited post 11-7-14
(As I was preparing for a move to the Oregon coast)
Happy Monday! I have missed you….I mean…
r.e.a.l.l.y m.i.s.s.e.d y.o.u
And, I do hope you had a fabulous weekend.
Well, this has been a weekend with “lots going on” and I want to be really honest with you…
I’ve been thinking about you everyday, during the morning, afternoon, evening… and wondering how things are going.
As I had mentioned on my most recent post,https://marciascottagebythesea.com/2014/11/goodbyehello/ we are saying good-by to our sweet Southern California cottage…
and heading up along the Pacific Northwest to the coast where we have had another small cottage a teeny tiny cottage for about 11 years.
A big decision for this So. Cal. Gal. (grin) And, I’m so excited I can’t stand it at times. However, that doesn’t mean that the change is an easy smeasy one. Not even sort of kind of easy smeasy.
I’m not worried about my sweet dear friends…because they are stuck with me forever, and ever. And, besides they can all travel with me. Including you dear reader. *wink. The difficult part is saying good-bye to this beloved home of ours. A home that most definitely has a soul filled with love.
Can I share a very personal thought with you? Well, I’m not one to worry about most things….
but this last week, has been rather emotional for me.
Making changes, and leaving a home requires faith, and trust in the unknown.There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m being guided, and led each and every step of the way. No doubt. And, the funny thing is that our home just recently went on the market (Halloween) so it’s not like we are moving right now…or even anytime really soon. But it will happen.
It’s funny how many things in life require a huge leap of faith. Trust. I’m wondering if you have recently had any changes in your own life. Ones that are requiring some serious choices, and decisions. You know what the right decisions/changes are…and yet they aren’t necessarily easy ones.
Well, if you have then you know exactly what I”m talking about.
It’s kind of like every day
we take little tiny steps toward our goal….
and of course say little prayers along the way. of course…. then trust the rest. Oh, and of course I’m so glad we have one another to walk through it all together. I’m always just a click away. (grin)
“The greatest trips are the unexpectant ones.” ~anonymous

Oh dear! Reminiscing is always a bit challenging. Good memories pop up and scenes of gardens and homes one has loved come to mind…sigh…but, as we all know, life goes on and we move forward. New beauty to find or make as we journey along this path… ;0)
Hi Jenny! Memories are wonderful. They are part of our history, and life journey. We just need to learn how to hold them, so that we can make room for many more. ♡