Retirement…10 years later & A Mini Summer Garden Tea…

To Do…
1. Plant a Garden✔️
2. Bake a Pie✔️
3. Read a Classic✔️
4. Shop all Day✔️✔️

Hello, sweet friends…

Today marks the 10th anniversary of my retirement.

June 10, 2011…Celebratory dinner at The Mission Inn…Riverside, California

Similar to those 30 years of teaching…these past 10 years have been an exciting adventure …and the years have sweetly flown by…

California home…June 11, 2011… First day of my retirement

Lavender Festival…June 2012

California dreaming…June 2013
California…taking a jog with Cami in our neighborhood…June 2014

Heading out for a visit to the Oregon Coast…June 2015

Oregon coast…June 2016

Our sweet beach cottage in Bandon…June 2017

Fine Coastal living…June 2018

Planting a summer garden…2019

Clipping sweet peas in our new garden…June 2020
Anastasia turned one year old…June 7, 2021…

Now come and join me as I share how I spent the day…

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6 Responses to Retirement…10 years later & A Mini Summer Garden Tea…

  1. Coughlin Nancy says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your special day with me. Anastasia is so beautiful and quite a large cat for only being one year old. I can’t even remember the year I retired from my last job, least of all the actual day. Your garden is beautiful. And your sweet tea would be such a pleasure to be a part of on the beautiful day you had.
    It is so frightfully hot and humid here in Michigan. We have planting to do, but it has been to hot. My bulb garden, planted last Fall was not the success I had hoped for it. Maybe 35% of the bulbs matured, so it was very spotty looking. I know I planted 4 rows and only parts of 3 actually matured with some puny flowers. Hope next year will be better. Loved seeing how prolific your garden is; especially being your ‘new’ garden!!!
    Please continue to share your beauties. Love being able to share in your joys.
    A cheerful friend, Nancy

    • Marcia says:

      Dear Nancy,
      It’s so nice to see you today…thank you for stopping by and for all your kind words. I’m sorry that you aren’t having luck with your bulbs this year…positive thoughts for better results next year. I know how disappointed you must be…since there is always much hope in the results of our hard work. I think that is why I enjoy being in the garden…I’m forced to learn patience because sometimes there are things that just don’t turn out the way I had hoped…gardening is always teaching me something. I hope you have a wonderful safe summer and that you are a bit more settled in your home. I hope your daughter is well also. Take care my sweet friend. Hugs.

  2. Jose says:

    What a splendid way to celebrate the gift of retirement. Seems like you have spent time outside in your 10 years. Hope you have many more blessed days enjoying life.

  3. Donna L Kelly says:

    Your 10 years of retirement are WHAT THEY ARE MEANT TO BE!!!!!! BRAVO!!!! I cannot even believe that you and I retired the same month and year as each other….mine is the end of this month!!!! Not supposed to happen this way, it did , and I am surely blessed indeed. These years have been stress free from the job for sure.

    • Marcia says:

      Hi Donna! There’s another thing we have in common… Our retirement date… So amazing isn’t it! I hooe that the years have been wonderful for you. I am pretty sure they have. Here’s to the next 10!

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