Hello, welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today because there are so many questions I wanted to ask you. ♡ I was wondering if you were you able to watch the Rose Parade? What about all those gorgeous floats! And what did you think of the theme title “Dreams Can Come True” Have you ever had a dream that came true?♡ I sure
hope so!
Ok I have to be honest my friend. .. One of the reasons I LOVE January is that I really get into my contemplative- reflective mode. I think about my life and perhaps any hopes or dreams I have for the coming year. For me the timing is always PERFECT. … While I’m taking down and putting away the holiday decor, I’m also having to decide what I no longer need or use. Since the Cottage has limited space, I might need to part with something in order to make room for something else. The question is “what am I willing to let go of?” The answer is crucial… because that’s what helps me discern what brings more meaning and purpose into my life. .. And for me that’s the fun part of having a dream… it GIVES meaning and purpose to my life. ♡ Have you ever had to let go of something? My answer is definitely YES, and guess what happened. ..something better came along. Better for me means more life giving and Joyful.♡
It might sound a little strange my friend. .. But cleaning out closets is so symbolic for straightening out things in my daily living.
This month I’m looking deeper into my own life,
and asking myself questions such as what can I let go of…
The answer is actually fairly easy. .. If it brings me Joy..it stays. If it doesn’t… it goes. Very simple. Oh, and one last question. …. guess what my mantra for the New Year is. ….
Answer: JOY
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a questionably lovely day….(Big grin)
Xoxo. ..