Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡
Shall we have a little tea. ♡
Happy Thursday sweet friend….♡
Patience.…it’s almost Friday…(grin)
hmmmm….I’m wondering if you gentle reader are in one of life’s many transitions…of course you are.
I think we are all constantly moving, changing, puttering, floating, and perhaps even occasionally feel as if we are sinking. y.i.k.e.s
Okay, well at least I know that I am. (not sinking, but always growing, and changing) …..♡
Yesterday, my husband “surprised” me with a lunch treat on the Queen Mary, in Long Beach, California. It was delightful, from beginning to end.
Have you ever been on a cruise before? I never have. It seems like a very romantic, and adventurous excursion though. I really enjoyed my day.
And, guess what….I learned a few more things about life/myself too. of course. Let’s see if I can try to explain it. (grin) Okay, well….I am now beginning my fourth year of retirement. And, the last three years have brought many positive changes.
I’m discovering new little adventures in life, and all around me. I’m trying out things. Some changes require a form a discipline,and patience.
And even though retirement is absolutely lovely…it has taken me several years to realize that it was a major life change. It’s been a good, and even positive one. However, it has been a time for me to dream new dreams, and explore new adventures.
Retirement is like changing courses for an ocean liner. It takes time to adjust to a new direction. Like a ship, we first need to slow down sufficiently in order to change course. And, then we can realign ourself with a new destination. Like a ship, the more sever the change in direction, the longer it takes. Where I am right now has all the force and momentum of the last 3 years behind it, and ultimately my whole life before that. I can’t expect to suddenly stop, turn and move ahead into my new life in an instant. It takes time. Patience really is a virtue. It’s the journey that matters, not the destination. I’m going to keep the image of the Queen Mary, as I continue on this new course. Yes, a transition in action. It’s the journey that matters….not the destination.
I’m wondering about you…. Where are you in your journey. …♡
The greatest thing in life is, not where you are, but the direction in which you are moving.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes