JuSt FoR ToDay….♡

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend. Shall we have a little tea.

Happy Wednesday! I’ve got a fun day planned. I’m meeting a friend for lunch.  I sometimes think that I have way too much fun. I sure hope you do too!

Life’s a balance. Don’t you agree… I mean honestly, I don’t play all the time. And, I am pretty sure you gentle reader don’t either (grin)

 Although, these days, my goal is to enjoy whatever it is I’m doing. Even when I’m working. Correction. .. especially  while I’m “working”….

I woke up super early today, so that I could do everything I needed to do before my lunch date.

First, I took a look around our garden to check that the trees were getting enough watering. It is suppose to be very warm here in Southern California.

Guess what I found. .. Our first plum!! Isn’t it beautiful. …We only have one right now…. But,  I have high hopes for more. Of course. 

This is what our cottage parlor looks like in the very early morning. Sunlight glistening in. ..

And, last I went into the closet. The one I just cleaned out. I’ve created a whole other place to
Create in. 
I’m actually sitting in there. I’m sort of trying to hide. .. Because I still have my pj’s on. …(grin)
ok let’s see if I can take a selfie….
 because, I need to tell you something important. I’ve been thinking , that even after cleaning out different closets,  and donating items,  consigning etc. ..I still have quite a few rather cute things. I thought it would be fun to randomly give them away! What do you think…It was just an idea that came to me. Of course I have the first item too…. It’s that adorable little teacup that says “Just for today be happy”  I’m so excited! 
Well, sweet friend I’ve got to run now…..
Enjoy your day…
Xoxo. …

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, 
what is essential is invisible to the eye. 
~Antoinette  de Saint Exupery

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