Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. .♡
I always Love the way this looks. ..A totally ScAtTteReD tea….♡
Happy Throwback Thursday! Well, actually it is Holy Thursday….♡ Which is very special here at “Marcia’s Cottage”…
Hold on for just a second. .. While I put on my bonnet.♡
Okay….Here we go. .. This is lots better. Well, kind of, sort of. ..better. . Don’t you think…..!
Guess what. .. I still have my little EaStEr bonnet from when I was child! I bet your surprised. … Well, on second thought … maybe your not. Anyway, that is me in the photo. Don’t have a clue as to what year it was. Perhaps I’m in the second grade.? What do you think?
That’s me too… Only no bonnet…♡ Gee, I wonder why?
I really love this photo of me. If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was a selfie. I look so very JoYfUl…♡ On the other hand, what is there NOT to be JoYfUl about at this teeny tiny age of. …. Wait a second here. …How old am I anyway in this photo? Nothing is marked. Ummm. .. Aren’t you suppose to have the date on the back? What were my parents thinking, not marking the date on the back. …(grin again)
This is me… I’m making my first Holy Communion. …see. .I AM Holy. …♡Looks like I’m even praying. … Ummm. .. wonder what I’m praying for….Perhaps a cute bonnet. …♡
Yes. .This is me too! Looks like I was even techy back then! Gosh this photo is sort of Vanna White-ish… as in did I possibly miss my calling in life? .♡
And, I don’t know about you but I’m digging that hair cut too!
OMG…Another Easter bonnet…. I’m looking rather Chic….♡We’re talking 5 th Ave. Chic.♡
Seriously. .. is this really me? My head looks HUGE….! How weird is that… and there wasn’t even photo shop back then. … so I guess I was just born with a BIG head….(smile)
Another bonnet. …However, I do look like I’m liking the attention♡
Oh, oh,… It looks like my parents wanted me to “pose”…..Ummm. … do I have a attitude?
Ha! There’s that bonnet again. The one I’ve saved ALL these years. ..I don’t think I look that happy. .. wonder what I was thinking…..♡ No doubt, has to have something to do with my bonnet…♡(grin)
Good thing I saved my Easter bonnet all those years….♡ As a reminder how precious, and Holy my life is.
Ummm. … I’m wondering if you have any Throwback Easter bonnets. …♡(stories)
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Have a lovely day my friend. ♡
Xoxo. …