“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. each moment is all we need, not more” ~Mother Teresa
“Welcome….so glad you are here”
Hi…any chance you have driving plans to view the solar eclipse? As exciting as it sounds (along with FOMO* tugging at me) it looks like I’ll be hanging out enjoying the view from a sweet little cottage.
A few weeks ago I had also contemplated applying for a part time job (18 hours a week) at a little church I attend. I thought it would be fun & might be a great fit for me. However before I even applied I decided that perhaps it wasn’t such a great idea after all. I mean seriously how would I have time to do all the really important stuff in my life?
With Cami performing 4 times a week in The Wizard of Oz there doesn’t seem to be much time between shows for play and you know by now I do enjoy my playtime😎
With that being said between performances my FOMO took over and I made sure to participate in the weekly painting class.
This weeks class met at a home located in the woods.
A delightfully lovely afternoon spent painting where I was able to enjoy the smell of pines
and watch tiny chipmunks, squirrels, feisty blue jays and adorable rabbits flit around.
A really special moment for me this week came when I received an invitation to a Garden Party. Woo!Hoo! Count me in!😎
I can’t tell you how excited I was that the time worked out for this gathering.
My friend had been telling me about her mother’s garden (particularly about an outhouse that is painted pink and named sweet pea) 🌸and how I’d have to stop by sometime to see it.
With the weather being so nice they decided to throw a summer 🌻 garden party.
I’ve decided that there’s really no need for me to feel like I’m missing out on anything. After all I do have my special viewing glasses in tow all ready to go….and happily excited to let NASA show me the rest.😎
*Fear Of Missing Out
After a recent play rehearsal a cast member gave me a huge zucchini. Here’s a fun, easy and yummy recipe I found to use it in.
1 super large zucchini ( or 3-4 ) sliced in half
1/2 cup fresh Parmesan cheese, grated
1-2 tablespoons fresh rosemary & theme, minced
smidge of olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. lightly brush both sides of the zucchini with all of oil and place on a foil lined baking sheet. Mix cheese and herbs together in a small bowl and sprinkle over the zucchini along with salt and pepper to taste. Bake for 15 minutes and then broil for the last 3 to 5 minutes until cheese is crispy and brown.

Thank you for your post! I enjoyed the pictures of the garden.
However, the post made me hungry looking at your great recipe!
Joe you are funny!
I thoroughly enjoyed all the photos, the recipe and video of your beautiful Coast. I do think I may have FOMO concerning the eclipse, but Long Island is not in the path of certainty. We will see something of the eclipse, provided the weather is clear, but I do not have the proper eye protection. Therefore, I will wait to see it on the news. All these warnings are circulating about not looking at the sky, etc. so maybe it’s best to pay it no mind. Very difficult though with all the chatter. LOL!
Hi Mary,
So wonderful to see you here. When I read your other message on my FB page I wasn’t sure how I disappeared. The thing is I’m just so glad that you found me again! If this ever happens again you can go directly to http://www.marciascottagebythesea.com and then click the FB icon on the right side of blog feed. This will take you to me. Now about FOMO….what a difficult thing our mind chatter brings to our lives. Sometimes we just need to turn it off and say we aren’t going to listen. I’m grateful that NASA is getting ready to share the show. Pull up a chair and favorite food and beverage and you’ll be able to join in the fun at home. Take care my friend.