Category Archives: Our Cottage

A Spring Soiree🌸

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are” – Max Depree Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are well… Spring is a wonderful time of year to host a gathering with friends…the weather is warming up…flowers are in bloom…and everyone is ready to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. However, spring weather can also be unpredictable… that being said let me share about how I recently hosted a small gathering inside. A few easy tips… 1. Plan your venue…(outside/inside) 2. Create a guest list… 3. Menu: a spring soiree calls for light, fresh, and colorful food options. … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, Our Cottage, What’s Cooking? | 6 Comments

Spring Awakenings🌸|Easy Spring Tablescape🌸

“Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring.” –Lilly Pulitzer Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are well… With the winter being over at least on the calendar my hunkering down and being cozy at home mentality has changed almost like the recent clockwork…desiring the brighter happy colors of spring… I am ready to open all the windows to watch as flowers bloom and life awakens once more… And with the daylight being longer again it’s the perfect time to start planning those fun long get togethers with friends & family… 👩‍🍳What’s Cooking… Recently I hosted a small luncheon to celebrate … Read the full blog post

Posted in Garden/Tea Time, Our Cottage, What’s Cooking? | 1 Comment

☕️Day in a Life|☃️A Snow Day|Hello March!💚

“No winter lasts forever, no spring skips it’s turn.” -Hal Borland, journalist and naturalist Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are doing well… A recent snowstorm in late February formed a beautiful blanket where I live…it made the garden look so sculptural. since I didn’t have to do any shoveling the quiet garden and restful day allowed me the luxury to experience my favorite time of year Christmas and magic of the holidays once more before the Spring… Happy March!

Posted in Coastal Living, Our Cottage | 2 Comments


“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough”-Albert Einstein Hello, sweet friends… I hope you are doing well… Where did the time gone? Just yesterday it seems I was counting down to the New Year… swish went January and just like that February has arrived… While this month is associated primarily with Valentine’s Day, the journey of love…doesn’t stop there… It’s the month where the ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ movement is held… (encouraging us to do something for other people, randomly) It’s also ‘International Friendship’ month… and since it’s the month of Valentine’s Day…which is btw one of … Read the full blog post

Posted in My Style, Our Cottage | 8 Comments

What I Got For Christmas…(big smile)

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris Hello, sweet friends… I hope your January is going well… Before January is over I thought I would share with you what I got for Christmas.. since it only recently arrived. Looking back it is possible that my husband might have been a little surprised by my reply that early December afternoon after inquiring about any ideas for a gift… “I would really like a velvet Chesterfield tufted nailhead sofa for the living room” I had said. There are a … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, Our Cottage | 6 Comments

January, Rest & Reset With Me…

“I’m an idealist. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.” -Carl Sandburg Hello, sweet friends… Happy New Year… How has it been for you? This time of year is a bit confusing for many myself included. I find the mountain of motivation and ‘best life talk” at the start of the year to be quite overwhelming. I often feel bombarded with messages on “how to go forth” when actually I think what is most beneficial is to just turn in a bit…to explore my feelings and allow myself to feel gratitude for all I already have. … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, Our Cottage, What’s Cooking? | 2 Comments

Making Tamales…

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Hello, sweet friends… When I first came up with the idea of making tamales during the holidays I thought it was because the idea of trying something new sounded appealing. Once I began the whole process I realized it was more…linking me to a much bigger picture by connecting me to people who have come before me giving me a sense of security, belonging, & identity Making tamales during the holidays had been a ritual in my family … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, Our Cottage | Tagged | 4 Comments

2022…A Look Back…

”To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Hello, sweet friends… I hope you are well… I’m not really sure how we are already once again closing out the year, but here we are. Along with a few “bumps” in the road… 2022 also brought many beautiful moments. In whatever ways you are marking this holiday season and end of the year… My hope is that you & yours are healthy & well. Wishing you the best for the coming … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, My Style, Our Cottage | 2 Comments

🎄A Christmas Cottage…Part 2…The Living Room🎄☕️

“Joy is finding the holy in the small and the sacred in the everyday” -Mary Davis Hello, sweet friend… I enjoy decorating our home for the holidays… there’s so much comfort to embrace… even in small imperfections that become perfect in their own way… For me it’s discovering joy even in the mess… and not waiting for things to get easier… simpler… or perhaps even better.… I’m learning that when I’m open… Joy will find me anywhere.💗

Posted in Coastal Living, Our Cottage | Tagged | 2 Comments

🎄A Christmas Cottage…Part 1…The Dining Alcove☕️🎄

“Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers.” – Kahil Gibran Hello, sweet friends… I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This past weekend I was able to get most of my Christmas decorations together… and was excited to begin decorating our home… When it comes to decorating, no season shines brighter than the Christmas holidays…It takes me a while to think about where I want to place things… I enjoy the whole process of deciding exactly where each little trinket should go. That being said I thought it would be fun the next couple of weeks to share … Read the full blog post

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