An Elegant Life in a Quarantined World


During the next several weeks I plan to share with you my experience of living a quarantined life with elegance and grace.

Hello, sweet friend…
How are you?

This past week while living under quarantine…

I have felt fortunate to be living in a home…

which provides exceptional comfort to me.

March has offered…

an astonishing amount of Spring beauty…

each day brought fragrant wonders…

outside my door.

This moment…

as I write…

sitting in our family room…

it is a chilly afternoon…

and there is a magic outside…

that is glistening…

with enchantment.

Here I find what now seems to be a golden opportunity…

for me to learn how I can get the most out of living…

squeezing significance and happiness…

that is every moment, every hour…

out of everything that is around me.

Coming next…

Chapter One

A Quarantined Life & Afternoon Tea


What’s Cooking?

One of the most satisfying things during this time has been preparing recipes that I might not have taken time for before. Here is a satisfying side dish that will make you forget all about what’s going on in our world. (ok…maybe not all) however the smell in your kitchen of Parmesan cheese seasoned with fragrant herbs will help. (so says my wonderful husband Joe)

Roasted Garlic Parmesan Potatoes


  1.  3 pounds-petite red potatoes (scrubbed and halved (quartered if extra large))
  2.  4 tablespoons oil
  3.  6 cloves garlic (minced)
  4.  1 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  5. 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  6. 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  7.  ½ teaspoon ground oregano
  8. 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
  9. 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  10. 2 teaspoons salted butter (cut into small cubes)
  11.  2 tablespoons mincedfresh parsley


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly grease a large baking sheet.
  2. In a large bowl, toss the potatoes, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, oregano, basil and Parmesan cheese until evenly coated. Turn the mixture out onto the prepared baking sheet and arrange in a single layer.
  3. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, turning with a spatula two or three times, until golden brown and crisp. Pull the tray out and sprinkle the butter over the potatoes and stir to melt the butter. Remove from the oven and toss with the fresh parsley. Serve immediately.

The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is. – Elkhart Tolle

This entry was posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, Cooking, Together Apart. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to An Elegant Life in a Quarantined World

  1. Joe says:

    Thank you for creating an opportunity for elegance during this trying time for our world! The recipe is marvelous.

  2. Donna Kelly says:

    Thank you for yet another sneak peak tour of your lovely newish home…..I love to see what I can find that you have changed around since the last time!!!! Potatoes look YUMMY too ….thanks once again for a new recipe!

    • Marcia says:

      Hello Donna,
      So happy that you notice the little changes in our new old home. As you can imagine I’m very much enjoying this home. Hope you are all safe and well.

  3. Pat Stansel says:

    Seeing your beautiful home AWAYS brightens my day —also seeing Spring flowers popping up ! I’m going to make those potatoes —looks so delicious !!!

    • Marcia says:

      Good afternoon dear Pat,
      I am sure you will enjoy these potatoes…you might even add your own special touch to them. I hope you are doing well and that you are cozy and safe.
      Take care my friend.

  4. Mary in VA says:

    Hi I’m new here! The potatoes look delicious and easy to make. Thanks for sharing the recipe. We are doing okay here in Virginia, I grew up as an only child so I’m good at entertaining myself. But it helps that hubby is working from home. Praying this virus goes away for good and fast. Praying for all people affected by this: medical workers, people who’ve lost jobs and income, people with the virus or who have lost loved ones to the virus. I’ll see you again here on the blog.

    • Marcia says:

      Hi Mary, and welcome!
      Glad to hear you are well in Virginia and that you have your husband home safe with you. I was the youngest girl with 3 older sisters… probably explains why I too enjoy my own company and find many things to keep me entertained.:)

      It was nice to meet you…and thank you for a nice chat.
      Take care.


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