Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ..♡
Happy Thursday! How’s your week been going? I hope it has been great…. and that only wonderful things came your way. ..♡
I thought it would be fun to time travel back to my FiRsT YeAr of TeAcHiNG. FUN! (giggle,
The year is 1981…. and I was so young! It’s hard to believe that when I started teaching children, I was ONE myself. (smile) On the other hand, perhaps that is how it is suppose to be. You will definitely have more fun as a teacher.♡
Believe it or not, I was ExTrEmElY fortunate to get a job. In 1981 there weren’t any/many openings for teachers, and only one opening where I was hired. I began my career at a wonderful school in Banning, California. It was called Central Elementary. I have the best memories of those early years. Fabulous group of people to work with. I must admit it was quite an eye opener to work with some of the children. However, I learned so much, and realized just how fortunate I had been as a child.
Okay, right NOW I want to know where ALL these adorable kids are! I did not have a chance to get an okay to post this photo. So, I’m hoping they will feel honored to be part of a “Marcia’s Cottage ” blog post. Sometimes anonymity is challenging for a blogger. (grin) Anyway, it was an adorable class. YeArS, and YeArS, and YeArS ago, I had a friend tell me that I would AlWaYs remember my first class. And guess what…she was right! (a little weepy)♡
I saved the “first” handmade gift from a little boy named Steven. Don’t be scared, it’s only a pumpkin. Steven had given it to me for Halloween. ♡I’m so glad I’ve saved it. It turns 33 years old this year. ♡ OMG… that means…
that sweet Steven is in his “early”….’s! No! That cannot be possible! That means that Steven is now older than me! Amazing.
And, of course I saved my first note. ♡BTW, Sara is the darling girl in above photo, wearing the girl scout outfit.
This photo was from “A Charlie Brown Christmas” play, that my class performed that year.♡I had the nicest custodian, who had offered to make all the scenery. Doesn’t it look great!
Oh, and of course, all the years in between, were so special too.♡ I made that little outfit I’m wearing! This photo was taken several years later. However, I STILL look like a kid. ♡( ummm… At least I think so)
A JoYfuL, and FaSt, forward to the LAST year of my teaching career. My, Oh, My, how time does fly. Actually, the above photo was taken during the LaSt week, of my LaSt year. ♡
That LaSt week, my husband and I made a special trip back to Central Elementary School, and took a photo on the same steps, where my FiRsT class photo had been taken.♡ For me it was a loving way to remember the BeGiNnInG. .. at the EnD. ♡
Well, I better run. ..I think I just heard the ReCeSs bell. ♡
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Have a lovely day.♡
Xoxo. …