A Sweet New Month



“Life is a journey and LOVE makes that journey worth while.” ~anonymous


💕Happy February, Sweet Friend!💕







Let me share my romantic little dresser with you.

remember the one that returned home with me last week…  read more







I’m happy that it fits into a small corner in the cottage bath.



Last months efforts of evaluating what I no longer needed,



loved, felt was beautiful




had simply outgrown, has paid off with my feeling much more organized.



Clearing out those items that cluttered the space around me



believing that this year is a continuous “work in progress”…

change will be the sweetest and most exciting way to express myself.


In the words of Mother Teresa, who said she didn’t do great things but little things with a great deal of love…

 I wish you a month filled with little things sprinkled with love.💗



 Homemade Vegetarian Pizza Recipe

(altered from mygorgeousrecipes.com)

With the Super Bowl just around the corner I thought  it would be fun to make pizza as a munch food. This recipe was super easy because I purchased the pizza dough and the rest was just slice, dice and bake! how easy is that!  I have to admit that Joe loves his sauce so we sort of over did it. just a bit.




(any pizza dough bread)

For the topping:

1 cup of tomato passata with onion and garlic



( I added 1 tofurky veggie Italian sausage thinly sliced)

1 cup grated Cheddar cheese

1/2 cup of sliced black olives

1 green pepper

1 yellow pepper



1 cup of sliced closed cup mushrooms

1 cup mini mozzarella balls

1/4 tsp dried Italian herbs

1/4 tsp dried oregano


Sprinkle some salt over the mushrooms and put them on the grill for 3-4 minutes. Cut the peppers in to strips.








Pour a little olive oil  then spread the tomato passato over, sprinkle some dried Italian herbs, grated Cheddar cheese, mushrooms, peppers, olives and mini Mozzarella balls.



Sprinkle some oregano on top, then pop in oven at 425 for 7-10 minutes.


As you can imagine I am so grateful for being able to live on such a beautiful spot on the earth. I love sharing the beauty with you. Enjoy!




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12 Responses to A Sweet New Month

  1. Joe says:

    Your post celebrates ‘the little things ‘ with much love and beauty!
    Yummy pizza!
    Thank you!

  2. Pat Stansel says:

    Amazing how that darling chest fits perfectly in your bathroom ! Love those bicycle towels, never saw them before . Also is that beautiful white ruffle a shower curtain or a window curtain ? Hope you enjoyed the pizza !

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Pat!
      I was so excited that the dresser worked out as well. It’s a beautiful addition & motivates me to keep things tidy. The ruffle is white and it is a shower curtain. It has a liner. I found it last year on Etsy. The bycicle linens were from Joann’s Fabric. I love decor that speaks French. So nice to have you stop by today. Love your sweet, sweet visit always. Have a wonderful weekend.xox

  3. Becky Yohonn says:

    Wonderful to dump out just one drawer and analyze the contents. Stuff takes up so much room. If I use it, it goes back in the drawer; otherwise, not. The trick is to keep doing it constantly all over the house!

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Becky!
      I enjoy dumping things out of drawers too. Sometimes it’s like a Jack-in-the box. Im amazed at all the stuff I’ve squeezed inside….and then PoP it comes out! The best part is finding treasures that I wondered where they had gone…..Surprize! Here they are! xox

  4. Jenny Bonynge says:

    Great find! (The dresser…) I am a vegetarian too but have never put tofurkey (have never eaten it!) on a pizza…I’ll give it a try… ;0)

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Jenny!
      I am so excited about this dresser. The bottom drawer has all of Cami’s cute outfits. Dresses… Sweaters… scarves. She has more outfits than I do. And far sure cuter. The tofurky Italian sausage has a spicy bite which is kind of nice. I plan on taking one of the pizzas to our friends for the Super Bowl. Hope you have a great weekend. Xo

  5. Jane says:

    Hello sweet friend,
    I love how the white dresser fit in perfectly. Isn’t it wonderful when you find a treasure you have been looking for and it all falls into place. The bicycle linens are definitely French… so darn cute!!! I thought you were using them as liners… They were a find!! So cute that Cami has her own little drawer filled with all her darling little outfits…. She is just precious and such a love… speaking of love, I love white towels and how crisp and clean they look, plus you can bleach them back into their whiteness…… Lots of times in the summer even after I have washed them and dried them in the dryer, I hang them out on the line so they get even whiter… and they smell so nice… and clean.. Your ruffled white shower curtain is the icing on the cake…. love ruffles…. Just perfect for your darling pink cottage at the sea…. When I was reading this blog you had my mouth watering for pizza… I love pizza! I am so bummed Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday. Not a great day for celebrating hearts and flowers. Since it is a meatless day your recipe gave me an idea and I will make a heart shaped pizza and use your recipe..and make a Caesar salad to go along with it. Fasting is so hard that day and I am just starved when dinnertime comes around. I bet that everyone at the Super Bowl party that you attended was over the moon for the pizza..and the cupcakes yummy in my tummy!!! Too fun!! I thought the game was really good and it kept me on the edge of my seat… Happy for the Eagles, it seemed like the team mates that were interviewed had their priorities in check…. This week I want to do a little furniture painting and finish off with my closet. I will work on the closet under the stairs next week…. ha ha….. Tomorrow, is our monthly Chapel Chick get together with the gals and it will be a Galatine get together. I have everything ready and I am excited as it is so much fun with all the little goodies I have put together for them.
    Well, sweet friend I better get going… I want to iron a bit before I start looking at what paint I have in the cupboard….

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Jane!
      You can’t imagine how happy I was to find this dresser. It’s not only cute…it’s practical for a small cottage. Oh, and I did use the bicycle linens for a drawer lining. They seem to fit the drawers perfectly! I’m a happy gal for sure. what a creative idea for a heart shaped pizza. I love it! What do you use to make a heart? Do you have a heart pizza pan? Serving a Caesar salad would be perfect. The Super Bowl Party was fun! Joe and I often hosted parties in California, and I’m glad to have met friends here that were willing to host it and everyone else brought the goodies to eat. I can’t wait to hear what you decide to paint. Please share when you finish…I would LOVE to see it. Bahaha! those closets are going to be our undoing. I still need to get those three drawers in order. This week for sure! It sounds like you have a fabulous group of friends. Blessed for sure. Well…so fun to spend time chatting my friend. Have a fabulous time with your Chapel Chicks. ( I just Love that name!) XOXO

  6. Carol says:

    Marcia….I love your blog…everything is so interesting….and I just love e ery thing you share…recipes …your adventures…everything …your cottage is just so cozy…you are a treasure…

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hello Carol,
      Thank you for spending time here with me today. And thank you for all the lovely and sweet comments. It’s nice to meet friends who are travelling the same path in life. Our journey is made so much sweeter when it is shared.
      Have a wonderful day! Xo

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