Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
This is a re~post from October, 2014. It was written one year before I moved to the Oregon coast.
Happy November!
(and of course All Saints Day) grin
First of all congratulations to Joanne Masters! Joanne, was chosen for the November Marcia’s Cottage unofficial, official random giveaway! Thank you for liking, and sharing my MC page! And, just in case you are new to this blog you can read about it here: https://marciascottagebythesea.com/2014/08/you-put-your-whole-self-in_2/
And, Okay.…I’ll be honest, I had way too much sugar yesterday…how about you….
Yesterday was technically one year of blogging for me. 365 posts! I had set a goal on November 1, 2013, to try out the blogging world for one year.https://marciascottagebythesea.com/this-evening-my-neighbor-linda-called/
See what it was like. Committed to it, with as much dedication as I could muster.
It has been fun, challenging, growth enhancing, joyous, and I’ve met many nice friends along the way. I even got to know myself a little better. (grin)
Interestingly it has also been life changing. So, today is the beginning of a new year of blogging for me.
I will still post…however my blog will be in transition.
I’m excited. Ironically, this first year of blogging also coincides with the beginning of another chapter of my life. During this past year, as I continued purging out closets, and other “stuff” in my life. Deciding what to keep, and let go of. Those things that I no longer needed, or wanted..
I realized I was also changing how I wanted to live my life. …and was getting ready for a complete change. This was a pretty amazing transformation for me. In many ways it’s an over the top freeing experience. As the year flew by I came to the realization that I’m ready to shift lifestyles. Live more simply. So… we are saying goodbye to our sweet little cottage, here in Southern California, where I’ve lived, worked, played, attended schools had my career, and formed beautiful life long friendships. Built my life around for over 50 years. Sigh. ….
You might say I’m leaving many of the things that have defined me for most my life. Now that is both scary, and exciting.
Our new/old home is located in a very small beautiful, and unsung coastal community. Under 3,500 people. No Walmarts, Targets..etc. (grin) I don’t have anything against any of those stores. There just won’t be any, where my new life is heading. (grin) Which means less traffic…and more time to enjoy lots of natural beauty.
I am so excited, and feel blessed beyond belief to be able to enter into this next chapter. I look forward to chronicling, and sharing my journey, and adventures with you dear reader. Lots of fun things to look forward to. I hope you will continue stopping by for a visit.
“If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. “~anonymous

Congratulations on 3 years of your beautiful post.
Thanks for your creativity, grace and fun!