Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
My favorite time of year has arrived. I enjoy this season for many reasons. (that rhymes!)
Mostly because it reminds me how important change is for newness, growth, and continued JOY in life.
Just short of 12 years ago, my husband purchased a cottage for us on the Oregon coast.
We hoped to possibly retire there someday.
In between those 12 years we worked, and enjoyed our life in southern California.
About that same time 12 years ago, my husband also gave me a very generous birthday gift.
It was a check in the amount of $2,500. He wrote a note that said “Happy Birthday, and enjoy your Folly”
Do you know what a “Folly” is?
Well, it’s a little getaway house built on your property.
At least that’s what I call it. (grin)
Long story short I never had the “Folly” built.
I ended up finding “other” things to purchase. (giggle)
Fast forward, to where we are now living in that cottage on the Oregon coast, and unbeknowst to me there was a shed in the backyard.
I said to my husband “I finally have my Folly!” We both laughed.
I’ve been having lots of fun experiencing this change from a shed to a “Folly” a place where I hope to go and retreat, read, share tea with friends, perhaps even a fun meal with my husband.
There’s something mysterious about the way our heart feels a desire for something creative, lose track of it. Perhaps, it might even disappear for a while.
And, then just as mysteriously it returns, and presents itself to us again in a new light.
That’s how I experience Autumn. A time for many changes.
Let’s embrace this season together, and trust in what changes may come.
Here are four videos, from most recent to the last video I recorded back in June. After writing this post, I asked my husband to read it. Something I don’t do anymore…(grin) anyway, his suggestion was to title my post “Follow the Folly” and to place these videos strategically throughout the post. His comment was that he knew what the “shed” had looked like “before” and he was amazed at it’s transformation. He thought I should emphasize the work involved. Of course I thanked him for his suggestions, and left it as was. (grin) I’m not one to emphasis the work involved in any process…I would rather just share the results. (wink)
“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”~Henry David Thoreau

Wow, what a wonderful post!
Thank you my wonderful husband! ♡
It has been fun to watch the progress you’ve made on this delightful shed-now amazing folly! Really sweet and cheerful…
Hi Jenny!
Yes, it’s been fun to create this little folly. I hope to enjoy lots of fun times here. Thank you for experiencing the joy with me!
Marcia . ..I just love your posts . ..the “Folly” is beautiful! I love itI didn’t realize that you worked on this a year ago…it is very nice…
Thank you for sharing . ..
Hi Carol! Just seeing a few comments on this post. Thank you. The folly is pink now.
I remember you painting huge pink flowers on the wall of the first cottage you decorated…in your rolled up jeans on the floor with pots of paint. Amazing.
Hi Becky… Just fun times!