A BeAuTiFuL SuNdAy…♡

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend. Shall we have a little tea.

                             Happy Sunday! How’s your weekend going…..

My weekend has been going along just wonderfully. I have been visiting the beautiful island of Nantucket. (grin) Well, the real truth is I’m reading a book called a”Beautiful Day” by Elin Hilderbrand. It’s an endearing story about a summer wedding that takes place during a weekend on Nantucket.

     I love my summer reading. Especially stories that take me to new places within myself. . And, of course I love romantic, happy stories…(of course) the happy ever after, kind of stories.(smile)

I sometimes have a tendency to become involved in the stories I’m reading too.
For instance, over the weekend I found myself sort of wanting to change the cottage decor….perhaps, something a little more open, and airy.  Yes, that feels much better….

In the story,  the daughter has been left a notebook by her deceased mother.  The notebook contains instructions for her wedding day.

It is a bittersweet story about Love., Family, Friendships. And, how at times hearts

                                                     Can get hurt, broken…. and healed.

 I’m sure you must be surprised to know that the details of lovely weddings, beautiful gardens, and delightful suggestions for yummy food hooks me right in. Yes, very surprised.  (wink)

Oh,  and  the main character in the story,  she loves her morning runs. It’s how, she’s able to work  things out. I thought that was a wonderful idea. ♡ Sooooo…I have recently started run/jogging. I discovered I rather enjoy this jogging/walking thing too!

Especially on a beautiful Sunday. …

I’m wondering where your summer reading takes you my sweet friend… Where do you travel?
Who do you meet? Any good food along the way….

Well, I best be running  now. I’ve got some shopping to do, for a yummy Sunday lunch.

                                                     Yes, I love my summer reading.

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you have enjoyed your visit.  Have a beautiful day..

                                              Xoxo. ..

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.
~Oprah Winfrey

For more Nantucket inspiration www.pinterest.com “Marcia’s Cottage” Nantucket

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