Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a cup of tea. ♡
One of the things that I love about summer, is that I enjoy summer reading. ♡ I must share a little secret too… Occasionally I will re-read a book. Especially if it has spoken to me in a special way.♡ As in it “touched my soul” kind of special. ♡
Well, anyway. …I’m wondering what kind of books speak to you dear friend…♡
That’s what the summer’s for. Right! I call it my Soulful Summer Reading Time. (SSRT) How’s about you? What books will you be indulging in during these lazy, hazy days of summer?
My SSRT takes me to those places, and experiences that I’ve never been before. ♡ For instance the “first” summer after my retirement, I read E~v~E~r~Y~t~H~i~N~g I could about growing my own garden. ♡ I found it was very similar, and a little like traveling to a foreign country. I had no idea how or where to begin.
Oh, and of course, the journey was a great adventure for me.
Every Friday, I would visit a local farmers market. The farmer vendors were extremely helpful. I explained to them that I was traveling into a new country. .. It was called the learning how to “grow your own edible garden” country, (GYOEG) and that I’d never been there before.♡
They helped me learn the language. I learned that in GYOEG language, the universally most important thing to know was. .. Make sure you always have a good traveling soul soil for cultivating. ♡
Okey, dokey. …I can manage that.
I found lots of JoY that first summer. .. digging, pruning, watering, and fertilizing…DPWF. (grin) And I always made sure I took extra good care of my soul soil.
Yes, for me learning how to GYOEG was an exciting, fun, creative, and soulful adventure. You might even say it was a GrOwInG experience. ♡ I think it is important to always keep learning about new things. (LANT) Often you will discover many things about yourself in the process. Hmmm..now I’m sort of wondering if you are LANT too….. Oh, yes, of course you are!
I’ve had several gardens since that first garden. I’ve planted herbs, Pansies, Hollyhocks, lavender, delphiniums, poppies, Pansies, corn, zucchini, squash, tomato, strawberry, lettuce. .. Oh, and of course roses. I love roses. Perhaps, there are even others that I’ve forgotten. I now know I believe in aromatherapy too, because all the scents I smell, when I’m outside working around the Cottage… I breathe in happiness. ♡
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Have a lovely day sweet friend.♡
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.~ Henry David Thoreau