Hi there! I hope you had a great weekend. Thought I’d pop in early this morning for a chat.
Being that now I’m retired, all my days sort of kind of “feel” like Saturday.
Joe realized that he isn’t quite ready for the retirement thing yet.
So, he’s working here and there. Anyway, as you must know I LOVE the home, and creating a HOME.
This recent move to the Oregon Coast has had it’s challenges for sure.
One that I want to share is the importance of having a special meal time.
So, I’ve started preparing a Sunday dinner. Do you have a day where you prepare a special meal?
Sunday seems to work for us right now. Sometimes it’s Brunch.
The point is to take time to enjoy your nest, with good food…and of course those you love. Friends, family.
Perhaps just YOU!
Sunday Menu:
CoHo Salmon
Mashed potatoes
Baby greens salad with organic ranch dressing
Crescent rolls
Betty Crocker Vanilla Bean cupcakes with tea or coffee
Remember to keep it simple, this way you will enjoy it! (and make sure you get someone else to do the clean-up!) (grin)

We’re still living in our 5th wheel (but the house is ALMOST finished!) and meals with several courses are impossible…the oven is tempermental! Your Sunday meal sounded delicious!
Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
Hi Jenny! I hope your home is finished soon. You’ll really appreciate kitchen home art by then. Perhaps, by the holidays you’ll be in. Hang in there. Xo