HaPpY HaLlOwEeN…♡

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend. Shall we have a little tea.


Re-post October 31, 2014

Hey……HaPpY HaLloWeEn!!!!!

It’s too bad. ..

That I’m not a kid anymore…

because I loved when Halloween fell on a Friday.

You’d get to stay out late…and go trick or treating your little heart out.

 Gosh…I think I went trick-or-treating until I started college I was in junior high.

Some things are just soooooooooo hard to give up.

And, I am super blessed to have grown up during a time when going to all the neighbors home for this fun day was safe,

and parents didn’t have to worry. I have the world’s best memories of that time of my life.

I think my best costume was my crayon outfit. I was a red crayon.(grin)

How cute was that! How about you?  Do you have the greatest memories too?

If you were a kid, when I was a kid… you for sure do! How old are you anyway? Just kidding….*wink

Happy safe Halloween….Hope you have a….


spook-tack-u-lar week!


“Happiness consists of a solid faith, good health, and a bad memory. “~CLaure Booth Luce

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