Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
This is a re~post from November 2015. I’d just returned from a trip to New England to follow the changing of the leaves.
It’s me again! Ha! Welllllll.…did ya remember to turn back your clocks?
My husband actually turns ours back the night before. (grin) I really am going to make this post a quick one, mostly photos I think.
Photos of Fall. I took some gorgeous photos if I say so myself…photos of what Fall is suppose to look like.
I had nooo idea! These photos are from New England. I took a zillion. It’s amazing to me that the leaves are most beautiful as they transition. Change. End one growth cycle, in preparation for the next.
It’s a very important process for their continued growth. Having gone through lots of changes myself this past year, with a major move and all, I totally get this Falling leaves thing. Each Season of life helps prepare us for the next, don’t you think.
We change and move forward. I’m really learning that there is so much beauty in it all. Especially the change.
Well, so anyway…I hope you enjoy my photos. Oh, and I also wanted to mention that I’m celebrating 2 years of blogging! Those of you that started off with me, know that I originally began as
“Marcia’s Cottage” on November 1, 2013. And then transitioned/changed to “Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea” on July 4th 2015. It was just on an impulse. I was waiting at the car dealership to have work done on my car, and while waiting created my blog. My first post was called “New Beginnings” and “Simple Pleasures”https://marciascottagebythesea.com/what-are-you-doing-this-weekend-i-have/ Ironically, I spoke about Gratitude.
So, much has changed since that first post. However, what is constant is my sense of gratitude for everything. Especially you! Thank you for being part of my life.
Stay safe my friend…
“Don’t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it’s stormy now doesn’t mean you aren’t headed for sunshine.” anonymous

Congratulations on 2 years of sharing your wonderful blog!
Beautiful blog! Miss you heaps! xx
Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
Hi Ruth! So happy to see you here. Thank you for stopping by, and leaving a kind comment. I hope to see you again soon. xo
Beautiful blog! Miss you heaps Marcia! xx
Love the spider! (I like them too…) I’m quite sure that your furry kids are happy to have you back home. Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of your Nantucket/New England trip!
Hi Jenny! Somehow I’m not surprised that you too like spiders. (grin) and boy, oh boy were my furry kids glad we were back home. Wish I could have taken them all.
Thanks for sharing your feelings and thoughts!
Checked out the first blog. You have come a long way baby! Seems like yesterday.
Hi Louise! Thank you. Yes, three years and 900 miles later. Oh. and btw I miss my California girlftiends.’♡