The Magic Of A Moment



” In magic -and in life – there is only one present moment, the now”~Paulo Coelho


Hi there! How was your week? Did you have a nice Labor Day? (Hope so!)

Labor Day was really fun here.

 It was the first time BBQ~ing in our pink cottage.

 So now that everything has been cleaned and put away until the next time

And before another week comes to it’s end

I’m wondering if we might take a moment to chat.

come on in…

A few days ago as I wandered into the kitchen through the living room 

I wondered about the small birdcage sitting quietly

 I’ve got a quirky habit of noticing things that sit quietly (while wandering)

and I began to wonder if I should paint it.

spruce it up a bit


So I did.

 Then a little later (same day) when I was in the kitchen wandering for something (most likely yummy) I looked up and noticed the light fixture (a fixture I’m not that crazy about..& hope that one day will redeem itself) I wondered if it should be painted too.


So I did.

It doesnt take rocket science to know when to honor a wandering creative roll. (thank goodness!)

So…I left the kitchen and wandered…

finding myself in the small Jack & Jill bathroom (aka…Marcia’s & Joe’s)

wondering if I should wander in this location too

after painting the bathroom sink (grin) I strategically threw in a few rocks.

By this time …I’m starving

I was quite pleased with myself so…

I headed back to the kitchen where I collected a sampling of pink cottage’s first BBQ leftovers and made myself a picnic lunch.


Now seriously when was the last time you went on a picnic with BBQ leftovers? just wondering😉

Cheers to a great weekend!

Happy Wandering…😘

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6 Responses to The Magic Of A Moment

  1. Joe says:

    How come your posts always leave me hungry!!
    Thank you!!!

  2. Jenny Bonynge says:

    I get the feeling that you don’t sit still much… The picnic of yummy leftovers was a great idea! So very sorry that even your coastal town has been affected by these awful fires. Here in the valley we were told o stay indoors as the air quality was “unhealthy”. Our poor beautiful forest and the creatures who live there!

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Jenny! Yes the smoke visited the coast for a couple of days. Fortunately it’s all beautiful again. That’s one thing that I just love about living here is the fresh clean air. I hope it is better where you are. There was a fun Cranberry Festival this past weekend and the town was filled with tourists. I think everything is calming down now. Any chance you were at the quilt show? Xo

  3. Carol says:

    Marcia . ..I love your blog. ..makes me happy . hear your story….and the views are lovely…and now….I will crave watermelon . …lol….thank you for sharing..

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Carol! Thank you for such a kind comment. I’m glad you enjoy the blog & that it makes you happy. That makes me happy. Watermelon is so good! It’s funny people ask me what my trivk is in choosing a tasty one and I tell them I just pick one up. Ha! Hope to chat again soon. Xo

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