Tag Archives: cottage living

Cozy Winter Living: A Look at My Home Right Now

As winter envelops us in its chilly embrace, there’s something inherently comforting about creating a warm and inviting space to retreat to. Today, I’d like to share some cozy corners of my home, where elegance meets comfort during this transitional season. The Living Room: A Simple Elegance In my living room, I’ve kept the decor minimal yet elegant. The focus is on comfort, with an elegant flair, which gracefully adds to the room’s aesthetic. Instead of overwhelming the space with seasonal decorations, I have chosen to showcase just a book or two on the coffee table. One such book, centered … Read the full blog post

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“It always seems impossible until it is done.” Hello, sweet friend… Living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest can present challenges when it comes to completing outdoor projects due to the region’s inclement weather… such was the case this past week… due to cooler temperatures, and rainfall I realized that my spring She Shed refresh… would most likely take longer than I had anticipated… however… I do look forward to sharing the finished project with you…if I can manage to complete it… until then here is the link to Part 1🌸My Cottage She Shed & Spring Refresh|Part 1🌸 where I shared … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, Garden/Tea Time, Our Home | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

T J Maxx Summer Haul👚👗👠

“At the end of the day, you are enough exactly as you are.” -Meghan Markle Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are doing well… It’s amazing to think that Memorial Day is this weekend and that summer is just around the corner! I’m definitely looking forward to sunny brighter days… That being said recently I went shopping for a few summer outfits and today I would like to share them with you. Enjoy!

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Downton Inspired/A Battenberg Cake

“I do think a woman’s place is eventually in the home, but I see no harm in her having some fun before she gets there.” – Dowager Countess Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are doing well… Joe and I are heading out of town for the weekend. I am looking forward to this little getaway since it will include a movie date to watch the new Downton Abbey film ‘A New Era’. In anticipation of this excursion I ordered the Downton Abbey cookbook and selected a recipe to prepare. I love the cookbook and plan on baking more recipes … Read the full blog post

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Music…My Father…and…The Piano🎶

  “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.” -Pam Brown Hello, sweet friend… These past few days the weather has been beautiful… I’ve been enjoying the garden…  The ‘Doris Day’ roses Joe planted in memory of my father’s 100th birthday… are blooming beautifully!  That being said…and with Father’s Day just around the corner… today I would like to share a re-edited post written several years ago…dedicating it to my father a.k.a.… ‘Captain Ed’ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Original post published June 2015   One of the reasons I love to blog… is that I … Read the full blog post

Posted in Coastal Living, Garden/Tea Time, Our Home | Tagged , , , | 12 Comments

Just Another Week in Paradise

“Take care to keep open house: Because in this way some have had angels as their guests, without being conscious of it” ~Hebrews 13:2 I’ve been meaning to share with you a chair that I saw a few weeks ago. It seems as if I’m often finding chairs that call out to me. This particular one came home with me that day. Oh and since we are becoming such good friends I also thought I’d  share a little quirky thing I do quite often  Periodically I go on the outside and pretend that I’m a visitor. I walk, look around and imagine that … Read the full blog post

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Navigating Into The New Year

  It’s mid~day, mid~week, and close to being mid~month as I sit down and write today’s post. Since our last visit together I’ve built a snowman and seen it melt,  Experienced raindrops come and go pouring down rain  hung the new 2017 calendar🎉 halfway through January already!  and the Christmas decorations have all been tucked away  The rainy weather has provided a perfect backdrop for staying inside and getting organized again. When the sunshine is out, I have to be outside. credited to my SoCal roots (most likely) riding a bike, walking the beach, gardening or running around discovering new wonders on this beautiful coast  … Read the full blog post

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Nantucket, New York, and beyond

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage by the Sea. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡ Here we are in the second half of October. This time of year is special don’t you think… Well, I’m thinking this will be a short post, since right now I’m in the midst of everything. On the other hand, once I start talking. .. Here are some highlights of my week. I managed to take a few photos of the final completion of all our windows, which I shared about in last weeks … Read the full blog post

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