My Energizing Morning Routine: A day in the Life on the Oregon Coast

A good morning routine sets the tone for the entire day, filling us with energy, clarity, and a sense of purpose. 💗

Hello, dear readers!

I often get questions about how I start my day, so I thought it would be fun to share my morning routine with you. Living along the beautiful Oregon coast, I’ve found a routine that helps me feel energized, focused, and ready to tackle the day. However, my routine can vary depending on the season, especially during midsummer when I have rehearsals and performances at the local theater. Here’s a glimpse into how my mornings unfold during this busy season.

6:00 – 6:30 AM: Wake Up and Coffee

I usually wake up naturally between 6:00 and 6:30 AM. One of the little luxuries I cherish is having a small coffee maker in my master bedroom. It allows me to prepare my favorite Italian roast blend with just a few steps from my bed. I settle back in with a warm cup of coffee, breakfast bars, and my favorite creamer.

6:30 – 7:00 AM: Meditation and Journaling

With my coffee in hand, I take this quiet time to read a daily meditation and small scriptures from the Bible. Reflecting on these readings, I often journal my thoughts and feelings. This practice helps set a positive tone for the day, providing me with insights and inspiration.

7:00 – 7:30 AM: Light Exercise

Next, I move on to some light stretches and a bit of yoga. These gentle movements help wake up my body and mind, promoting flexibility and relaxation. It’s a wonderful way to connect with my body and prepare for the day ahead.

7:30 – 7:45 AM: Planning and Preparation

I take a few minutes to check my calendar for any appointments or commitments. This time is also used to plan a healthy lunch, ensuring I have all the ingredients ready. Lunch is my biggest meal of the day, so I like to make sure it’s both nutritious and delicious.

7:45 – 8:15 AM: Breakfast

Breakfast is usually simple but satisfying. I enjoy one or two breakfast bars with a piece of fruit, typically a banana or some grapes. I also make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

8:15 – 8:30 AM: Playtime with Camille

Our little Morkie, Camille, requires some attention in the morning. I take this time to play with her and make sure she’s fed. This brief but joyful interaction adds a wonderful burst of energy to my morning.

8:30 – 9:00 AM: Free Time or Additional Activities

Before diving into my main activities, I have a bit of free time. Sometimes I use this for light reading, a short walk, or any other task that helps me feel ready for the day.

9:00 – 11:00 AM: Piano Practice

From 9:00 to 11:00 AM, I dedicate my time to practicing the piano. This is when I feel most alert and ready to focus on my pieces. The serene morning atmosphere provides the perfect backdrop for my practice sessions.

11:00 AM: Getting Ready

Finally, I shower and get dressed to officially start my day. Feeling refreshed and prepared, I’m ready to take on whatever the day has in store.

Adjusting for the Season

Currently, it’s midsummer, which means my routine also includes rehearsals for the local theater and performances on the weekends. This makes my schedule a bit busier, but I find joy in the vibrant energy of the season. As we move towards late summer and early fall, my routine will shift again to accommodate the changing activities and commitments.

Tips for Maintaining Energy and a Positive Mood

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Take Breaks: Short breaks during practice sessions can help avoid burnout.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate deep breathing exercises or quick mindfulness practices if you start feeling stressed.
  • Positive Mindset: Focus on gratitude and set small, achievable goals for the day.

I hope you enjoyed this peek into my morning routine. How do you start your day? Share your tips and routines in the comments below!

Until next time,


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3 Responses to My Energizing Morning Routine: A day in the Life on the Oregon Coast

  1. Jose says:

    Thank you for sharing your Morning Routine. I believe it would be helpful for me to implement a morning routine for myself.
    Great suggestions and thank you
    That puppy is adorable

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Jose!
      Glad you enjoyed the morning routine. I have found that having one really sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. Take care.

  2. Donna L Kelly says:

    I like your routine! Unfortunately my routine has turned crazy and I am up way too early some mornings and it stays dark for so much longer! I hope going to the beach I will change back to my better habits.

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