“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.”
-Pam Brown

Hello, sweet friend…

These past few days the weather has been beautiful…

I’ve been enjoying the garden…

The ‘Doris Day’ roses Joe planted in memory of my father’s 100th birthday…

are blooming beautifully!
That being said…and with Father’s Day just around the corner… today I would like to share a re-edited post written several years ago…dedicating it to my father a.k.a.… ‘Captain Ed’

Original post published June 2015
One of the reasons I love to blog…
is that I enjoy talking😂
telling stories.
more specifically sharing them…
I must confess the intro to this post has been edited several times.
I found myself in a quandry about writing “certain” things. Things of the heart are sometimes difficult to share.
Perhaps because it makes me feel a tiny bit vulnerable…
To make a long story short…while deciding what to leave or take for my move to the Oregon coast…
I decided to let go of everything. Which included a beloved baby grand piano from my childhood. Letting go of things can be difficult, and should never be confused with the loving memory.
The piano had been a gift from my father when I was 14 years old.
A part of my life for over 40 years… He loved singing.. I loved playing.
Up until my move to the coast…wherever I moved… the piano moved with me…
I knew that our home on the coast was going to be a whole new experience. uncertain as it seemed…I was looking forward to trying something different.
And, of course there was the space factor. There wouldn’t be room in our small cottage so I’d have to store it. The piano wasn’t intended to be stored. It was meant to be used, loved, cherished.
So, anyway… it wasn’t an easy decision…
The interesting thing is that no sooner had I arrived in my new home…I met someone who had mentioned she didn’t want her piano anymore…it could be mine if I moved it.
Within 24 hours I had found someone to move it.
I now have an upright piano that sits against the wall. It fits perfectly. Ironically, It’s almost identical to the very first piano that I ever had…
One which sat in the garage when my parents moved into their new home years ago. My mom didn’t want it in their new house…so they moved it into the garage. I would go in the garage every day and practice. (while my father sang)
Sort of funny how life weaves around us in mysterious ways…

I really enjoyed your post!
That was a delightful posting. My mother played piano and this SO reminded me of her…How fun for you that you can listen to your neighbor practicing. I would guess that they, too, enjoy your playing!
Hi Jenny!
I’m sure my neighbor can hear me too. Ha! Never really thought about that. Glad you enjoyed it, abs that memories of mom were present…xo
How incredibly profound this is. I’ve missed some of your other Marcia’s Cottage-just couldn’t get it to come in but I saw this one. I sold my beloved ebony baby grand earlier this year because I had to but after that it seemed like the other things that I had spent so much time in accumulating just didn’t matter. I loved your story. Every sentence drew me in and then it stopped—I find it curious, perplexing but I can guess why or at least begin to guess why. But maybe in a PM. I haven’t slept with in awhile and I’m owi have to try. But I wish SO you’d write perhaps a book. Are you doing this? But I understand vulnerability. No one can hurt you now though-just you by holding yourself in. Perfection. I know about it. I know about Dads and Moms and piano and music and then forgettingfor months on end that music even existed. Id like to understand because of the connection and because I need to know a little more so I can have a little hope that even though you’re now in a sweet Cottage that you will let your Spirit start to soar. Maybe I would have a little more hope because in miles there is distance but in renewed trust there is hope and love.
I have no agenda. I’m just one Soul wanting to think there’s a Lighthouse out there. Your ideas are powerful and the Right people will ‘get it’. Peace
Hi Kathryn! Thank you for such a sweet response. Very heartfelt.Hmmm….perhaps one day a book. Transitions are amazing. So many things get stirred up. I’m finding it’s been a perfect, and necessary opportunity for letting go. And, yes there is so much hope. I live close to its daily reminder. A lighthouse! Xo
Such a sweet blog…..and so from the heart…. The garden is just beautiful and so full… you started with a blank canvas and now each flower is like a brush stroke so alive with such color ….. I loved hearing how your mother did not like the one piano in her new home so she sent it to the garage…. but that is where you and your father spent precious time together as you played and he sang… and now you have come circle with one that is similar to the one in the garage… I always say nothing is by chance and the piano in your darling cottage was always meant to be yours…. What wonderful memories you hold in your heart… Your piano from your father was such a loving gift and he picked out such a lovely one…he too held precious memories in his heart. I can see how it would be hard to leave it behind but the memories that go with it stay in your heart forever. Life is not static there is always constant change some sweet and some bittersweet…. I think we all wear a cloak of vulnerability…. I think it also makes us more sensitive…… Well, happy day sweet friend and I wish our Father’s a very Happy Father’s Day…… XO Jane
Hello sweet friend,
I am just now seeing your post…and sorry that it took me so long to respond. What a wise reminder…”nothing is by chance” and yes the memories will be forever in my heart. What a precious friend you are…thank you.
I envy anyone that plays a piano, as it was always a dream of mine to learn. I think I shared that with you before. Think of all the joy you bring everyone in church each week! Hugs!!!!
Hello, dear friend,
I am just seeing your post…this summer has been swiftly passing me by. I do remember you sharing about your wanting to learn to play the piano. The funny thing is that every time I play the piano at church I think of my father and feel his presence.
What a beautiful tribute to your father!
He helped bring music to the world through you, his daughter, and you have continued that gift.
The ‘Doris Day’ roses are a wonderful reminder of the spirit of your dad.
Dear Marcia….such a beautiful memory for you and dad garage singing and playing the piano!!!! I love it….and I ALSO remember , when we were sitting having dessert in your living room in your last cottage, the story of the new piano! Everything comes full circle and you are playing once more in your sweet coastal church. Give Joe a Happy Fathers day hug for me xo
This was a very special blog, because I have had to deal with the “Piano and Moving” issue a few times, myself. First time was when I ended up selling a spinet to a dear friend who wanted her daughters to learn to play! Those 3 words can strike terror into a child’s heart, IF they do not already have a love of music. Fortunately her two daughters were thrilled and took to lessons beautifully. Interestingly, when those girls were grown and gone, I was offered that spinet back– no charge– if I wanted it! That wasn’t possible at the time. Then I rescued a very old upright after hearing, “If no one wants it, it is going out the front door in pieces.” Turned out to be one that was manufactured in the 1890s and my new piano tuner was enamored with it. It was stored in a friend’s barn until I moved into a bigger house and I loved it. Was the substitute pianist for my small church, and relaxed by playing the piano. None of my neighbors ever complained in over 11 years! When I made this last move, no one seemed to want it. Finally a young mother decided her 3 girls could be taught how to play by their grandmother (who happened to be the organist at my church!). So I gave it to them and they arranged moving ‘after’ I was here in Michigan. I do miss it, but there is absolutely NO room here. If I ever get my storage unit emptied, I may think about a small electric keyboard. Maybe. I initially learned on an old upright and my Dad and I played so many duets, and eventually I played with my younger sister. Miss that family tie: now that my Dad is gone and my sister is back in PA. Are you doing OK with the excessive heat you are experiencing? Have been concerned about you and Joe.