“Scents bring memories, and many memories bring nostalgic pleasure. We would be wise to plan for this when we plant a garden.” ~Thalasso Cruso
Fall is here. Yippee! I enjoy everything about this season. I’ve discovered there’s a distinct scent here on the coast too. I call it coastal woods.
A few of the neighbors have already been using their wood burning stoves, which really doesn’t make scents to me at all when you could use it for decor! and the air has a woodsy~ocean~like smell. Does that makes sense?
I’m extremely scent sensitive.
That sounds funny. Is that how you say it?
I think you’re getting a sense of what I’m trying to say.
I basically have the ability to taste the smell of everything! anything.
For example I can still taste the smell of a steak being grilled, even though it’s been years since I’ve actually eaten one.
However, in many ways it does make scents sense. Right?
So anyway Fall is here, and October is just around the corner.
Which means anytime soon the scents of cinnamon, pumpkins, campfires, apple cider, and falling leaves will be swooshing around in the the air.
Well, in someone’s air anyway…somewhere. I recently read that scents are geographically oriented. It depends on where your memories are scentered centered from.
When I lived in California I would often visit a local candle shop, and purchase one of those large candles just to have the scent of the season.
Sometimes I’d purchase the smell of Fall in the summer. I loved burning candles with the smell of Christmas during July! And, since we are becoming such good friends I’ll even share a quirky little thing I do now & then since moving to the coast. I call it seasonal scent~i~bility. I smell all the seasons at once. It’s scent~sational! Bottom line is scents are powerful. Case in point recently when I was at a local nursery I happened to walk by a small lemon tree. It had the blossoms on it, so I sniffed it. Suddenly my whole entire life in So. California flashed before my nose, ooops, sorry… I meant eyes.
I experienced the scent so intensely that I believe small little tears filled, then rolled down my face. I realized I hadn’t smelled such wonderful memories for a long time. Scents that were good enough to eat. I took a deep breath and appreciated the fact that I could take that little memory lemon tree & plant it right here in my sweet little coastal woodsy scented cottage.
that would make sense.
And, of course be most
Fall Blessings…..
Here’s a no~nonsense easy recipe for you.
4 large lemons
5 egg yolks
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
~Use fresh lemons to make curd. Store bought lemon juice in bottles doesn’t work well at all. It’s not as fresh & there’s no zest in it.
~This curd will thicken a bit more, while it’s cooling down.
And here are the steps:
- Zest and juice all the lemons.
- Add lemon juice, lemon zest, butter, sugar & egg yolks in a saucepan.
- Cook at medium heat, while constantly whisking until the mixture thickens (takes about 10 minutes).
- Pour it in a jar & let it cool down.
- Once the curd has fully cooled down, store in the refrigerator.
- Enjoy!

What a wonderful post!
My thoughts and senses enjoyed your
reminders of my own memories!
Thank you!
Hi Joe! Thanks for your sweet comment. ♡