Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
Is it really almost October? Scary…! What’s happening with you today. ..
“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life”
~Coco Chanel
A few years ago I cut my hair really short. r.e.a.l.l.y, r.e.a.l.l.y, s.h.o.r.t Well, and actually lightened it quite a bit.
And, it felt good. Okay….It felt great at the time. Hmmmm. I felt like a different woman.
I felt free. Free from what I’m not quite sure. Just free. I loved it in many ways. It sort of changed how I viewed myself too.
Not sure about the reason behind that either. Just did. Looking back…I think I did it because I was in transition with my life.
I had just retired from teaching elementary school forever for 30 years. I didn’t know at the time that was why I had a need to totally change my hair.
I think cutting hair has a lot to do with letting go, starting over, and just being willing to accept change. Geezer, I hope this confession doesn’t make you think strange things about me. Can you relate to this at all? say yes….please!

Anyway, now I’m growing it long again. And, because it was short for a while…growing it longer, is now a change. And, this change feels good too. Funny, but again I’m feeling free.
I feel like I’m a little more me now. Changed, different, same…..changed, different, same. Oh, and don’t forget FREE. Kind a like a birdie. I guess this all came to mind because I had a hair appt. yesterday. Funny the things that run through my mind. For some reason now I’m so wondering how your feeling about your hair. .. and if you recently chopped it off cut it. Any chance you have a hair appt. today….(grin)
Or, perhaps like me… you are letting it grow again….
Enjoy your last days of September….
Changes are gifts. They signify successful growth. And, they announce our readiness for more growth. ~ anonymous

Marcia…I do know what you mean..and yes…haircuts do mean change…I have recently . ..changed my hair… a little….my problem is I over think things…I think! My retirement hasn’t gone as I thought . .. I do realize that is part of life… I am trying a different mindset…reading your blog has been an enjoyment….thank you for sharing.
Hi Carol! I’m sorry retirement is different than you hoped for. Sometimes we think something will be a certain way, and then it turns out completely different. I hope as time goes by you discover a new part of yourself that you know only through this change. Btw…I bet your hair looks great. ♡