“Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it.” ~Ninon de l’Enclos
More than likely as you read today’s post I’ll be in another country. Yep.
I’m on a little vacation. I promise to share about it in a future post. However, today I have a question for you.
Do you know what you love? Have you ever written it down?
If you haven’t I would like to challenge you to take a little time to do it.
You might be surprised what you find out.
I know that I love people who have a real passion for life.
A zest for living fully. A flair for adventure, and spontaneity.
Perhaps those that might even live a little on the edge.
I love edge~i~ness. Edge~y as in dancing in the street, letting ice cream drip down the chin edge~y. Edge~y as in perhaps eating watermelon with their hands then spitting the seeds out afterward. Ha! Ha! Pretty edge~y right!
Okay I admit I’m not a huge risk taker.
However, I do love to have fun and have learned it’s best to find it in the moment, instead of looking for it elsewhere.
And, as you must know by now I love to talk about the meaning of life with friends over tea.
I love to pray, and laugh with equal abandon.
I can easily be moved to tears by well-written words, or fall over laughing with well~delivered comedy.
I love a well~preached sermon that nudges me into action.
I’ve been known to break for garage sales, old barns, and bunny rabbits that have been hurt or abandoned.
I love the mountains, oceans, and I’m smitten with tender hearts.
I’ve recently learned something new about myself too. And that’s when I go to the beach, I couldn’t care less if it’s raining. I have learned to love the moods of nature.
So, come play with me, and we can be kindred spirits. Perhaps we already are.
Well. ..have you written your list…yet?
Better hurry. ..I’ll be back soon.
ps. of course I love gardens. And, here’s a recent garden tour that I loved.