Category Archives: 2020

My Spring Cleaning Break…❤️

Spring is nature’s way of saying ‘let’s party.’ -Robin Williams Hello, sweet friend… This week I attempted a bit of spring cleaning… However I kept getting distracted… (Oddly only while cleaning) inevitably something would pop up… and before I knew it… I’d find myself questioning my priorities… I decided that the distractions had to be a sign from the universe… and we all know that when she speaks… you must listen… WHAT’S COOKING?👩‍🍳 Sausage Egg & Cheese Breakfast Puffs – only 4 ingredients! Super easy to make and tastes great! Puff pastry, eggs, sausage, and cheese. You can assemble ahead … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Our Home, What’s Cooking? | 1 Comment

2020…The Year We All Stayed Home

There are two ways of getting home…one of them is to stay there…the other is to walk around the whole world till we come back to the same place.” -Chesterton Hello, sweet friends… Having recently celebrated another trip around the sun…. AND… being a gal who never volunteers to share her age or weight…I do admit that this past year has made me years wiser not older…(wink) 2020 has been quite the year…still, good things did happen. Things have changed…and perhaps some things will never come back. Our homes became the great theaters where the drama of our daily lives … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Cooking, Together Apart | 10 Comments

One Week Before Christmas…

Lord, give us Thy Joy, that Joy that no man, no poverty, no circumstances, no conditions can take from us. – A.J. Russell Hello, sweet friends… With it being only one week before Christmas… I am packing in as much joy as possible… after all this is the season of magic… and wonder… That being said… recently after a delicious dinner… which I had prepared (big smile) Joe & I hopped in our car and headed out… for a date night which included ordering Fries from McDonalds…peppermint lattes from a coffee kiosk (both drive- thru) and cruising around to check … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, Cooking, Together Apart, What’s Cooking? | 4 Comments

The Love of Home…Decorate…Bake…Repeat…

“He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.” -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Hello, sweet friend… Today I thought I’d share a bit of my Christmas decor… This is admittedly the most decorating… I’ve done… since our move from SoCal five years ago. I’ve had so much fun this season… decorating trees & mantels. Decorating has been a labor of love for me… and realize that… my style isn’t for everyone… So I definitely encourage you to find your own. That being said… Coming home will always be the best feeling in the world to … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, My Style, Our Home, Together Apart, What’s Cooking? | 4 Comments

The Lights of Christmas…& A Recipe For Gingerbread

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime. – Laura Ingalls Wilder Hello, sweet friend… This is the time of year… where most people begin their Christmas decorating… unless they were like me and couldn’t wait for the sparkle, twinkle & shine to begin. The lights on a Christmas tree automatically brings a smile to my face. This year more than ever I want to make the most of this magical time… before it’s gone. Over the next few weeks … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, Our Home, Together Apart, What’s Cooking? | 4 Comments

Celebrate Thanksgiving 2020

There is always time for Gratitude and new beginnings Hello, sweet friend… Cheers to Thanksgiving 2020! With it being nearly 30 years since both my parents passed away…I have discovered the importance of creating a home for quite a while now. That being said a holiday has not gone by in which their memory and those earlier years haven’t come to mind. As time goes on…these memories become more precious…mainly because they have made my own traditions richer. At the heart of these memories is a gratitude for having the opportunity to experience the richness of family in it’s fullness … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, Together Apart, What’s Cooking? | 5 Comments

Halfway Through November…

Take time to play! Ask for what you want. Laugh. Live loudly. Be avid. Learn a new thing. Be yourself! -Mary Anne Radmacher Hello, sweet friends… I was able to attend a Holiday Open House recently… The event was “socially distanced” & mask mandated. It was just what I needed to get into the spirit of the holidays. I arrived early when they opened… and departed with a few adorable Christmas items… I don’t know about you… but this gal has a strong desire for deckingtheyeardecking the halls this year… That being said once they are decked… I promise to … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, Together Apart, What’s Cooking? | 1 Comment

Let Us Bake Bread Together…

fika (fee-ka) Swedisha moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life. Hello, sweet friends… Today is a perfect autumn day. While taking this photo it felt like I was the main character in some vintage like story… with a cat named Anastasia who sits peering out from an upstairs window… Having grown up in sunny Southern California and really not being use to Autumn… I still get quite excited when I see the leaves changing colors. It’s the perfect backdrop for a cozy home …nothing beats it… well, on second thought I’m thinking the smell of freshly … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, What’s Cooking? | 9 Comments

To Everything There Is A Season…

Sometimes the winds of change carry us to better places… Hello, sweet friends… This has been a week of transitioning… with Halloween now over… it’s time to begin… anticipating… planning… preparing… and welcoming… with an open heart this cozier vibe… 🍁🍂🍁 It seems as if lately my best inspiration has come from nature… no doubt even this week’s baking was inspired by it’s deliciousness. 👩‍🍳 What’s Cooking? As you must know…I love desserts! Particularly those with a sweet and sour twist to them. These bars include something for everyone…and that is definitely part of their appeal.💗 SEVEN LAYER BARS Ingredients … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, What’s Cooking? | 4 Comments

Halloween 2020…🎃🎃🎃

There is a child in every one of us still looking for a brightly lit front porch…Robert Brault Hello, sweet friends… It’s time to get your BOO on… since after all… us ghouls just want to have fun! speaking of fun I have 2 easy recipes for you just in time for the weekend! 👩‍🍳 What’s Cooking? MUMMY DOGS A few days ago I woke up early (Joe was still sleeping) and decided to make these. The smell of the veggie sausage was so good that it woke Joe up. He came downstairs and said “wow… whatever you are cooking … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, Together Apart, What’s Cooking? | 12 Comments