A Week of Quiet Joys🌷

Each day holds simple pleasures…a bloom in the garden, a shared meal, a moment of laughter…that remind us of the quiet joys that make life truly beautiful.💗

– Marcia

This week has been one of those weeks that quietly filled me with gratitude and warmth. Simple pleasures and cherished moments took center stage, and I found myself basking in the joy of community and nature.

One of the highlights was our PEO chapter’s initiation of a new member. We gathered for a potluck social, and it was heartwarming to share delicious food and laughter with such wonderful friends while welcoming in our new member. Our circle’s growth is a reminder of how our community continues to bring new energy and joy into our lives. These gatherings are always special, reinforcing the bonds we share and creating new memories together.

Another source of joy is my involvement in the local theater. Our weekly practices and performances have introduced me to a whole new community of acquaintances. Our shared passion for the arts makes these rehearsals something I look forward to each week. It’s incredible how music and theater can bring people together, creating connections that enrich our lives in unexpected ways.

This week, my husband and I also enjoyed a delightful outing. We went to see ‘Fly Me to the Moon,’ a movie that I highly recommend if you haven’t seen it yet. It was a fun and uplifting film that left us both smiling. We also enjoyed a wonderful lunch at a lovely restaurant, savoring the pleasures of good food and great company.

In addition to these social joys, I’ve been savoring the quiet moments at home. Since my last post, there have been some exciting changes in the garden. The dahlia bloomed, a sight that never fails to thrill me. There is something magical about watching the garden evolve, with each bloom a testament to its beauty and resilience. Sitting out on the deck, soaking in the sunshine and vibrant colors of the flowers, has been one of my favorite ways to relax and unwind.

The weather along the Oregon coast this time of year is simply perfect. The temperatures and gentle breezes make it ideal for spending time outdoors, whether I’m reading, journaling, or just sitting quietly. These moments of tranquility are a treasured part of my week.

As I reflect on these joys, I’m reminded of the importance of cherishing the small, everyday moments that bring us happiness. It is the simple pleasures and the connections we nurture that truly enrich our lives.

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2 Responses to A Week of Quiet Joys🌷

  1. Jose says:

    Thank you for the reminder to be aware of the simple pleasures of life that surround me each day. Your evolving garden has taken on new beauty.

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