Southern California Bound: The Journey Begins!✈️ Reunion Trip (Part 1)🎓

Returning to High school is not just about revisiting the past, it’s a celebration of growth, memories, and the friendships that shaped who we are today.

Early in the year, I heard about my upcoming high school reunion. At the time, I had already committed to a summer-long local theater production, which consumed most of my energy and focus. Between rehearsals and performance, I was fully immersed in the theater world, and the idea of traveling for a reunion felt distant, almost impossible.

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6 Responses to Southern California Bound: The Journey Begins!✈️ Reunion Trip (Part 1)🎓

  1. Jose says:

    I hope you have a wonderful high school reunion.
    Your experience in Brea, California helped you to grow into the person you are today.
    I hope you relive many happy memories!!
    Are you going to go to Disneyland?
    I remember you liked it!!!

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Thank you, Jose! Brea definitely played a big role in shaping who I am, and I’m excited to see what memories come flooding back during the reunion. As for Disneyland, I’ve definitely been thinking about it! It’s such a nostalgic place for me, and I always love going back when I can. Maybe I’ll have to make it part of the trip!

  2. Marge says:

    I’ve never attended one and have no plans to.

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Thanks for sharing, Marge! It’s interesting how everyone feels differently about reunions. Some people really enjoy reconnecting, while others prefer to focus on the present and their current connections. Either way, it’s all about what feels right for you! Have you kept in touch with any friends from high school outside of the reunions?

  3. Nancy Coughlin says:

    When I attended my 60th High School Reunion, I was truly surprised how we all had aged, but were still so recognizable to each other! Our Class president announced that it would be our last reunion and we all agreed. Our total numbers had dropped dramatically and I think we all felt enough was enough.
    I too grew up in a small town and have always been grateful for that opportunity. Those who have not experienced that special situation, have no idea what they have missed.
    Enjoy your reunion.

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Nancy, thank you for sharing your experience! It’s amazing how, despite the years, people can still be so recognizable. It must have been bittersweet knowing it was the last reunion. I completely agree…growing up in a small town does create such a unique bond and sense of community. It’s something hard to explain to others unless they’ve lived. I’m definitely looking forward to my reunion, and your story makes me appreciate even more the chance to reconnect. Thanks for the warm wishes!

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