Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
Happy Sunday! I hope that you’ve been enjoying your weekend. The weather here on the coast has been. …well, coastal. Misty, sunny, cool, & warm! (not necessarily in that order)
The other day I had been reading a wonderful article ,
I meant to delete it, and ended up sending to a “friend list” so if you are one of those friends that received it….it was a tech~y accident. (grin) Well, anyway, it was about Happiness, and the “Happy” song from the movie Despicable Me 2. The song was a huge success a few years ago. It was even nominated for an oscar, very catchy…I always dance when it plays. The article stated that there are people that “detest” the song. I obviously am not one of them. btw…I’m dancing right now. Of course, I love the song because I’m all for focusing on what we want in our lives. And, I think we all want happiness.
As you might know if your a regular reader of my blog, I have always kept journals. Many years ago I kept a “Gratitude” journal. I wrote down things that I was grateful for.
Today I know more than ever that gratitude leads to happiness. A simple truth. I’d love to share 100…There’s no order in their importance, just random thoughts…and of course now I have a bazillion more things that I’m gratefully happy for. Not to worry I won’t list them today.
Things that make me happy:
1. a new day
2. coffee in the morning
3. bagels
4. flowers arranged in a vase
5. pizza, apple pie, rain
6. teddy bears
7. mornings
8. warm water
9. my husband
10. blue skies
11. super markets
12. stained glass windows
13. memories
14. thrift stores
15. left overs
16. milk duds
17. swedish fish
18. sunshine
19. mashed potatoes
20. my hands
21. dreams
22. sunflowers
23. tea houses
24. quiet moments
25. churches
26. socks
27. tacos
28. pink carnations
29. my pets
30. sugar cookies
31. lace curtains
32. good sermons
33. donuts
35. bookstores
36. pasta
37. linens on a clothesline
38. children laughing
39. farmers market
40. pink stripes
41. pancakes
42. cookie cutters
43. sunsets
44. oreo cookies
45. a morning walk
46. peaches
47. roses
48. sunday dinners
49. spaghetti
50. sound of birds
51. music
52. my ears
53. pink nail polish
54. white picket fences
55. warm summer breeze
56. buttered popcorn
57. chop sticks
58. fortune cookies
59. lazy days
60. chimes at night
61. chocolate mint ice cream
62. fluffy pillows
63. stars in the night sky (did I already say that….oh, well…they make me happy!)
64. flowered curtains
65. cats
66. compliments
67. the sound of a ticking clock
68. the sound of rain
69. fresh smell of air
70. large green trees
7l. sprinklers running
72. windshield wipers
73. mozzarella sticks
74. bisquick mix
75. dairy queen ice cream
76. salmon dinners
77. the sound of a washing machine
78. receiving an invitation
79. flannel p.j.’s
80. nose guards
81. high school basketball games
82. the ocean
83. Barbie dolls
84. an unexpectant bouquet
85. poetry
86. See’s candy store
87. red and white polka dots
88. the sound of a sewing machine
89. Disneyland (yes…seriously)
90. a really good laugh
91. a really good cry
92. helping someone
93. letting someone help me
94. the smell of the air after a heavy rain
95. birds in flight
96. hot cocoa
97. good friends
98. faith
99. light
100. the end of a day
I believe that being happy is a choice, and everyone can be happy just by appreciating little things in life one has instead of engaging in the chase for internal /external expectations, which leaves no time for being happy. I’m wondering if you ever chronicle your happy moments too…it can be anything…come on, get happy….!
Oh, and btw since I’ve moved to the Oregon coast there’s at least 100 more things that I’m super grateful for.
101. Beauty of Nature
102. My new friends
103. My new little church
103. RAIN
104. ……Sea Lions
And, of course my sweet, sweet cottage.
Happiness is the highest level of success.
February 2019...Disneyland🌸Anaheim,California

So true!. Very simple, yet so profound!!!. I see all of the above as Blessings in my live . Thanks my dear friend Marcia for encouraging by remind us of true Joy and Happiness. Reading and watching your blog makes me Happy. Blessings
Love. Your friend Teresa
Hi Teresa! So nice to see you today. Thank you for your sweet comments. Yes, I know you practice being happy and seeing the good in life. Take care. Xo
Can’t find one single thing on your list that should be excluded. Happiness and joy can be contagious and I love passing them on to others. Thank you for sharing yourself through your blog and postings. How wonderful it is to share time with you and feel like part of your every day!!! Blessings to you and will continue to smile! Love, Nancy
Hi Nancy! Thank you for your kind comments. Yes, it makes me happy to share and be part of your day too! Xo
Marcia…I just love reading your blog….and that makes me happy….your happy list is wonderful….I love the happy song…I saw the Minion movie with my youngest grandson that was a happy outing… as my 69th birthday approaches….I am happy waking up each morning….LOL…I have started painting again…just completed an angel…and a small heart…I am happy that you share your journey…you have inspired me to strive to be a better person…Love, Carol
Hi sweet Carol,
I wish I would have seen your very kind comment sooner…because YOU made me so happy! It is pure joy hearing how you enjoy my blog. Thank you dear friend. Merry Christmas!