Be courageous and live the life that your heart is guiding you toward
Bronnie Ware
Hello, sweet friends…

It’s time for my mini summer vacay…Yippee!

By the time you read this post I will have already arrived at my destination…(I promise to share more in another post)

today I thought I’d share a few of my pre-packing tips…

along with what I’m taking…

First off always remember…

Packing is an art…

I have learned that laying out all the items allows me to plan outfits for my days/nights away.

When everything is laid out, I can clearly see how much I’m bringing…

Dividing items into sections based on where they’ll be packed is also helpful…

Lastly, I always remember to lay out my travel day outfit.

I have been so excited…

that I had to pack….

and unpack several times…

I forgot just how much work packing can be…

Actually it can be quite exhausting and I am definitely out of practice…
To be continued…

Thank you for sharing your summer travels with us!
Your assistant was quite helpful in your process’
I am laughing at Anastasia!!!!!! Obviously she doesnt know that you pack and leave with you being home the past year!!!! So funny!!!! Cant wait to hear and see pictures of your travels!!!! Have fun and be safe xo
Anastasia certainly was most helpful!!! That has always been my experience. When I had 2 cats they were both trying to outdo each other. Hope you have a wonderful vacation.
I have been concerned about the extensive heat being forecast for you area. I have been hoping that being on the coast has helped to ease the concerns for you, personally. Hope you are escaping to a cooler area?!!!!
Take care and be safe.
Hi Nancy,
So happy to see you! Thank you so much for your concern… The weather here on the coastal range is wonderful. Not hot at all… Mid 70’s. Best time of year. We are 12 miles from the coast so aren’t getting the intense heat like other areas which are more inland. Hope you are doing well dear friend.
Hi Nancy,
So happy to see you! Thank you so much for your concern… The weather here on the coastal range is wonderful. Not hot at all. Mid 70’s. Best time of year. We are 12 miles from the coast so aren’t getting the intense heat like other areas which are more inland. Hope you are doing well dear friend.