Tag Archives: decor

Cozy Winter Living: A Look at My Home Right Now

As winter envelops us in its chilly embrace, there’s something inherently comforting about creating a warm and inviting space to retreat to. Today, I’d like to share some cozy corners of my home, where elegance meets comfort during this transitional season. The Living Room: A Simple Elegance In my living room, I’ve kept the decor minimal yet elegant. The focus is on comfort, with an elegant flair, which gracefully adds to the room’s aesthetic. Instead of overwhelming the space with seasonal decorations, I have chosen to showcase just a book or two on the coffee table. One such book, centered … Read the full blog post

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One Week of Spooks, Treats, and Tricks: Embracing halloween Fun🎃

For one week, I’m diving into halloween with spooky decorations and festive flair. A little scare, some treats, and then back to normal! Marcia💗 October is such a charming time of year for all things cozy and autumnal…but for one week, I let my witchy side out to play! After spending the earlier part of fall indulging in harvest teas, pumpkin picking, and embracing the beauty of autumn, Halloween marks a delightful switch to the scarier (but still fun!) side of the season. This year, my husband and I are stepping up our Halloween game by volunteering at the local … Read the full blog post

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Halloween Sweet Treats

“It’s impossible” said pride. “It’s risky,” said experience. “It’s pointless,” said reason. “Give it a try,” whispered the HEART.” ~Unknown 🎃Hello Everyone!🎃 I hope you had a wonderful week. Between working on this weeks post, gardening, and lunch with my good friend (who will be cat sitting for me)…  I am finally all packed and ready for a special Fall Holiday🍁🍂 Which I promise to share with you. When I return🎃 However… and until then… I’m so excited to share with you what I’ve been cooking this past week in my sweet cottage kitchen.☕️ 🎃 I’m thinking you are really going to enjoy it!🎃 🎃Since it’s all … Read the full blog post

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