Saying Goodbye To 2021 🎄

I change myself, I change the world

~Gloria Anzaldua


Hello, sweet friend…

I hope you are doing well.

The small town I live in experienced a good snowfall this week…

and as another year draws to a close…

it became the perfect backdrop for reflection…

My intellect tells me the weakly optimistic phrase “It could have been worse” is hardly a ringing endorsement of 2021…

and yet my heart knows it’s true…

there was still much good that happened…

even among the hardships…

I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for so many things…

that being said…

My hope for 2022 is that I will gain a new appreciation, insight, humility and peace with life…

making more of an effort of looking beyond things that divide…

and emphasize the many things that unite…

Wishing you many blessings for 2022

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6 Responses to Saying Goodbye To 2021 🎄

  1. Jose says:

    Thank you for such a soulful, reflective post and the sentiments it has evoked in me.
    I wish you love, health and happiness in the New Year!!

  2. Donna L Kelly says:

    Dearest Marcia and Joe….Happy New Year to you both! May you continue to take us on more exciting adventures in 2022!!!!! Here’s to you both…CHEERS!!!! PS I loved your Christmas card xo

  3. Becky Yohonn says:

    Such a beautiful setting. Happy New Year 2022! And thanks for my birthday blessing!!

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