Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
I’m certain that I’ve mentioned this before…and, that is friendships mean the world to me. Recently, I was reminded of a fun time spent with friends in California.
When I had spent an evening with some really good friends.
Actually, the men are my husbands forever friends. And, over the years I’ve become friends with their wives.
We went out for Italian food, and then went to the theatre to see a play.
Being that I’m always meeting new people now that I live on the coast… some of which have become my friends. I reflect on the importance of friendships.
Especially, good friends. More, and more I am realizing how valuable they are, and how we need to look after our friends, nurture them, listen to them and be there when they need us. When I look back on the best and not so best times of my life…guess what? My friends were most definitely there!
There is no doubt they are important to our health, and well-being. Of course, I have a variety of friends. (grin) and it’s great…because each one is different in what they teach me about laughter, inspiration, support, guidance, FUN, relaxation, courage, strength, LOVE…and probably much more.
Anyway, just something I’m thinking about on this glorious morning.
“Friends don’t let friends do silly things…alone.” ~(smile)

Thank you Marcia for the lovely cards and thoughts you are sending me through the mail. They brighten my day and give me courage during this time of my life. You are a true friend. Love you.
Hi Becky! Your welcome my sweet friend.
Love your posting…
Hi Jenny! Thank You!