”The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t”
-Joshua Baker

Hello, sweet friends! Today I am re-posting one of my most popular posts. Spring is a perfect time to re-fresh & re-edit our closets…and life.🌺🐝🌷🌻
Click on the link below to see what I have been re-freshing this week…I look forward to sharing the end result with you…
A Spring Capsule Wardrobe
by Marcia Ren
Spring has arrived. It’s time to shed that heavy winter coat and get ready for traveling a little lighter.
This past week I jumped into my Spring-cleaning beginning with the closets. This is where I carry my baggage. literally
It’s here where unwanted worn items seem to accumulate. fast & furiously Ones that take up unnecessary space and time. you know what I mean Going through and getting rid of those items which hinder living simply and more fully.
I have accepted that this closet de-cluttering/editing will most likely be an annual exercise for me. I seem to accumulate things stuff it’s a part of who I was for many years.
The important thing however is that I’m now the best I’ve ever been and have learned how to edit things stuff before they get out of hand.
For me it’s all about having a clearing out time. Perhaps you have wondered how to accomplish this.
It’s been a trial and error thing for me. a continual process of conversion but trust me there is hope ahead. Just recently I decided it was time to transition from a Winter to Spring wardrobe. There are numerous ways in which to do this and what worked for me might not work for you. With that said one morning and with thoughtful intention I removed all clothing from my closet that hadn’t been worn in the last year. (I do the hanger trick of leaving the hangers of clothing not worn in same position making it easy to identify un-worn items) Then I pulled out the Winter items & carefully switched those to the loft closet.
By doing this I was able to see only those items which I knew I loved and would wear.
Simplifying my wardrobe by having a certain number of clothes & shoes that coordinate with one another. ( that number for me is around 40 per season & includes 13-15 tops, 7-9 pants, 8-10 shoes, 4-5 skirts, 4-5 dresses/coats/jackets, 2-4 handbags)
By doing this I’m able to pull outfits together in half the time. This process also helps to identify your favorite neutral, main, and accent colors. Here are a few outfits that I’ve put together for my Spring wardrobe. (my accent colors are pinks & oranges)
Tried and True Tips for building your own capsule wardrobe
- Clear out anything/everything that you haven’t worn in a year. Begin with the easy stuff. (out of style, old, worn, etc.) then move on to mistake purchases (items you purchased on sale & have never worn) then clear out anything that doesn’t fit your authentic self. (this is important. I have purchased things in the past that just don’t work now since I live on the Oregon coast) Toss!!!
- Keep only those items that fit you, & your lifestyle now. (This is an important step to ensure every item in your wardrobe fits your lifestyle and includes only the items you need.) As the season changes repeat #1 & reassess your wardrobe bringing only those pieces that will transition into the new season. (case in point I kept a light sweater from my winter wardrobe to pair with my spring.)
- Shop Intentionally. This was a HUGE one for me. I have always been one to buy something if I liked/wanted it (a little embarrassing to admit) It’s important to have a focus when you are shopping for clothes. I have found that I’m drawn to certain colors & try to make sure that I’ll be able to blend & wear my purchase with other items for more than just one season.
- And last but not least I have found that since I became more conscious of how I choose to purchase things I am also more aware of how much less I actually need. (in regards to clothing the more I’m able to mix/match the more outfits I have) This awareness has effected other areas of my life as well. Everything is interconnected. A small step in one area leads to another in others and before you know it you will see great results.
How do you create a wardrobe for Spring?
I’d love to hear about it. perhaps even a photo?

This post is one of the finest you have gifted us with. Thank you, Marcia
Hi Joe! Thank you. Very sweet of you to say.❤️
Wonderful plan!! Living in south Florida,we have a pretty much year round wardrobe! Maybe throw in a few sweaters and a jean jacket. I do find myself sometimes just wandering and buying!
Hi Laurie! So nice to see you today. Yes it sounds like you are living in an easy wardrobe weather area. Nice. That’s sort of how it was for me when I lived in SoCal. It’s quite different now living on the Oregon coast. Keeping it simple wherever we live is the challenge. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Hope to see you again. Xo
We wear many more warm clothes here in Oregon for a longer period of time. My Summer bins of clothing are overflowing and I’d guess that I wear about a third (at the most!) of them. I need to clean out! It’s hard to be heartless… ;0)
Hi Jenny! I’m learning the trick is layering. Here on the coast the weather seems to vary between 55-65 give or take a little. The summers are never hot, but I do wear shorts & have learned to be prepared for a change in weather. In California I owned lots of summer clothing. Here I have a lot less but layer everything!
I am learning from you. I just said to my WW ladies, if something doesn’t make me feel GOOD to wear it , then I wont and out it goes!!!! And speaking of this jazz…we REALLY are kindred spirits. I LOVE it. I play only jazz in my craft room , as Bill doesn’t really care for it. At times he does, but not always.