Below is a re~edited post. I wrote it before my move to the Oregon coast, where I’m currently experiencing the beauty of yet another Season.
Hello, welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy you stopped by. Its hard to believe that this is the third Sunday of Advent and that 2013 is coming to an end. ♡
It seems like it was just Summer and I was gardening: planting, seeding, pulling weeds, watering. ..
This is my little rose garden. … on a VERY hot summer day. ♡
Well. .. actually dear friend it seems like it was just Spring, and I was planting a gorgeous little cottage garden. ♡ What do you think. .. Has time been flying by for you too?
I had planted zucchinis and bell peppers, then surrounded them with marigolds.
These are Queen Anne roses. … Sorry you aren’t able to see them very well. They are beautiful. Can you see the hollyhocks and delphinium?
Friends thought our little cottage garden was so beautiful this year. ….I just smiled and said “Thank you!”
Way in the back is our climbing Jasmine. .. It scented our garden for several weeks. …. It was heavenly….♡
Climbing Eden roses. …Can you smell their lovely fragrance?
A mini pottager container garden sits below our kitchen window. Parsley, lettuce, cilantro, onions, and basil. ♡ They are very happy here.
For me the Advent season is a season of the conversion of the heart. It is a time of waiting and appreciating the present moment. .. Looking forward to the future with a peaceful anticipation and, of course, Joy. ♡

Loved your CA garden and all of the outdoor decor you had out and about… ;0)
Thank you Jenny. It was a lovely garden that brought me much pleasure & enjoyment for many years.