Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. ♡ I’m so happy to see you today my friend. ♡ Shall we have a little tea. ♡
Sharing a re~post from September 21, 2014. I was still living in Southern California, & it had been a very warm summer.
Happy Day! Today is a very, very, special day. Any guesses?
YES! That’s right! Today is summer’s last day. Now, if today would have been last week…
I’d be jumping for JOY! Since, last week was extremely warm. And, I was so ready for summer’s end.
Oh, don’t get me wrong….I love the Summer. I’m just so ready for the Fall. Actually, I’ve been patiently awaiting for Thursday, September 22rd. which will mark the first day of Autumn. Looking forward to the change of season. https://marciascottagebythesea.com/2014/09/dancing-with-fa/

However, for me….saying good-bye to anything, is always bittersweet. Even, if the good-bye is only temporary, and you know you will meet again. https://marciascottagebythesea.com/2014/08/bye-bye-augus/
It’s especially bittersweet when the moving on is necessary. In this case we are moving on…. and into the next part of the year. I do think it is profound that every “Hello”. .. follows a “good-bye.” Bittersweet good-byes always introduce the next anticipated, and often unknown…. Hello. I’ve had a wonderful summer…. How was yours….. It’s time to say goodbye. ..
And…. Hello. …Fallllllllll!
Enjoy your day. …
“Life is a balance between holding on, and letting go.”~Rumi