A Delicious Discovery: Spicy Mediterranean Pasta with Impossible Burger🍔

When simple pantry staples come together, magic happens in the kitchen…

Marcia 💗

Olive oil (for cooking)

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4 Responses to A Delicious Discovery: Spicy Mediterranean Pasta with Impossible Burger🍔

  1. Jose says:

    Thank you so much for that wonderful recipe!
    I actually got to try the finished product and I want to tell you that it was very scrumptious.
    Really enjoying your posts

  2. Nancy Coughlin says:

    Sounds very interesting. Will give it a try. Always looking for something new to try. Thanks for sharing the results with us.

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Nancy,

      I enjoyed creating a new pasta dish with items I already had. Surprised how tasty it turned out too! I hope you are doing well my friend. Hugs…

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